Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Finding Records
  6. Approving Supplier Records
  7. Editing Records
  8. Investigating Hierarchies and Relationships
  9. Managing Suppliers
  10. Communicating with Suppliers
  11. Creating Supplier Profiles on the Supplier Portal

Logging in to Supplier 360

Logging in to Supplier 360

Contact the MDM administrator to request the
Supplier 360
host name, port number, and your user credentials.
  1. Launch
    Supplier 360
    http://<MDM Server host name>:<MDM Server port number>/mdmapps/
  2. Log in with your user credentials.
  3. If prompted to select an application, select
    Supplier 360
    launches and displays the Home page.


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