Supplier 360
- Supplier 360 10.4 HotFix 1
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| Description
Background Image
| URL of an image that you want to use as the background image for the log in page.
| Title to display in the log in page.
| Description
Email Address
| Name of the business entity field that stores the email addresses. For example, Contacts.contacts.ContactElectronicAddress.etrncAddr.
User Name
| Name of the business entity field that stores the user names. For example, Contacts.contacts.prtlUsrNm.
User Role
| Name of the business entity field stores the user roles. For example, Contacts.contacts.prtlUsrRle.roleCode.
Portal State Details
| Name of the business entity field that stores the portal state values. For example, Status.prtyStsVal.partyStatusValue.
| Description
Reset Password
| Name of the email template to use when users request to reset their passwords. For example, resetPassword.
You can find the email templates in the following directory:
<MDM Installation Directory>/app/portal/email-config/templates_others/avos-templates
Successful Reset of Password
| Name of the email template to use after a password is reset successfully.