

  1. Prefácio
  2. Parte   1: Guia de introdução à instalação
  3. Parte   2: Antes de Instalar os Serviços
  4. Parte   3: Executar instalador de serviços
  5. Parte   4: Após instalar os serviços
  6. Parte   5: Instalação do Cliente Informatica
  7. Parte   6: Desinstalação
  8. Apêndice A: Iniciando e Interrompendo Serviços Informatica
  9. Apêndice B: Gerenciando pacotes de distribuição
  10. Apêndice C: Conectando-se a bancos de dados do UNIX ou Linux
  11. Apêndice D: Conectando-se com Bancos de Dados no Windows
  12. Apêndice E: Atualizando o Parâmetro DynamicSections de um Banco de Dados DB2

Instalação para PowerCenter e Data Quality

Instalação para PowerCenter e Data Quality

Configuring Native Connectivity

Configuring Native Connectivity

You can configure native connectivity to a PostgreSQL database to increase performance.
The following steps provide a guideline for configuring native connectivity through PostgreSQL. For specific instructions, see the database documentation.
  1. To configure connectivity for the PowerCenter Integration Service and PowerCenter Repository Service process, log in to the machine as a user who can start the server process.
  2. To configure PostgreSQL database for the PowerCenter repository, set values for the PostgreSQL database host, port, and service name for the pg_service.conf file in the following format:
    [PCRS_DB_SERVICE_NAME] host=Database host IP port=Database port dbname=PowerCenter Repository Service database service name
    Ensure that the entries for the [PCRS_DB_SERVICE_NAME] matches the information for the PowerCenter Repository Service. To securely connect to PostgreSQL for the PowerCenter repository, set the security property along with the remaining required database properties in the pg_service.conf file in the following format:
  3. Set the PGSERVICEFILE, PGHOME, and PATH environment variables.
    . Set the variable to the
    file that contains the connection parameters for PostgreSQL database connection. For example, set the variable as follows:
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ export PGSERVICEFILE; PGSERVICEFILE=<pg_service.conf file directory>/pg_service.conf
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv PGSERVICEFILE <pg_service.conf file directory>/pg_service.conf
    . Set the variable to the PostgreSQL installation path where you have installed the PostgreSQL client. For example, set the variable as follows:
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ export PGHOME; PGHOME=/usr/pgsql-10
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv PGHOME /usr/pgsql-10
    . To run the PostgreSQL command line programs, set the variable to include the PostgreSQL client directory, psql. For example, set the variable as follows:
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ export PATH; PATH=${PATH}:${PGHOME}
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv PATH ${PGHOME}:${PATH}
  4. Set the shared library environment variable.
    The PostgreSQL client software contains a number of shared library components that the PowerCenter Integration Service and PowerCenter Repository Service processes load dynamically. To locate the shared libraries during run time, set the shared library environment variable.
    The shared library path must also include the Informatica installation directory
    Set the shared library environment variable to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    For example, use the following syntax:
    • Using a Bourne shell:
      $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; LD_LIBRARY_PATH $PGHOME/lib $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH <InstallationDirectory>/server/bin:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
    • Using a C shell:
      $ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $PGHOME/lib $ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <InstallationDirectory>/server/bin:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
  5. Verify that you can connect to the PostgreSQL database.
    To connect to the PostgreSQL database, launch the psql utility and enter the connectivity information.