

  1. Prefácio
  2. Parte   1: Guia de introdução à instalação
  3. Parte   2: Antes de Instalar os Serviços
  4. Parte   3: Executar instalador de serviços
  5. Parte   4: Após instalar os serviços
  6. Parte   5: Instalação do Cliente Informatica
  7. Parte   6: Desinstalação
  8. Apêndice A: Iniciando e Interrompendo Serviços Informatica
  9. Apêndice B: Gerenciando pacotes de distribuição
  10. Apêndice C: Conectando-se a bancos de dados do UNIX ou Linux
  11. Apêndice D: Conectando-se com Bancos de Dados no Windows
  12. Apêndice E: Atualizando o Parâmetro DynamicSections de um Banco de Dados DB2

Instalação para PowerCenter e Data Quality

Instalação para PowerCenter e Data Quality

Domain Configuration Repository

Domain Configuration Repository

After you configure domain security, you can configure domain repository details.
  1. Select the database to use for the domain configuration repository details.
    The following table lists the databases you can use for the domain configuration repository:
    Database type
    Type of database for the domain configuration repository. Select from the following options:
    1 - Oracle
    2 - Microsoft SQL Server
    3 - IBM DB2
    4 - Sybase ASE
    5 - PostgreSQL
    The Informatica domain configuration repository stores metadata for domain operations and user authentication. The domain configuration repository must be accessible to all gateway nodes in the domain.
  2. Enter the properties for the database user account.
    The following table lists the properties for the database user account:
    Database user ID
    Name for the domain configuration database user account.
    User password
    Password for the domain configuration database user account.
  3. Select whether to create a secure domain configuration repository.
    You can create a domain configuration repository in a database secured with the SSL protocol. To create a domain configuration repository in a secure database, press 1 and skip to step to create a domain configuration repository.
    To create a domain configuration repository in an unsecure database, press 2.
  4. If you do not create a secure domain configuration repository, enter the parameters for the database.
    1. If you select IBM DB2, select whether to configure a tablespace and enter the tablespace name.
      The following table describes the properties that you must configure for the IBM DB2 database:
      Configure tablespace
      In a single-partition database, if you select No, the installer creates the tables in the default tablespace. In a multi-partition database, you must select Yes.
      Select whether to specify a tablespace:
      1 - No
      2 - Yes
      Name of the tablespace in which to create the tables. Specify a tablespace that meets the pageSize requirement of 32768 bytes.
      In a single-partition database, enter the name of the tablespace in which to create the tables.
      In a multipartition database, specify the name of the non-partitioned tablespace that resides in the catalog partition of the database.
    2. If you select Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL, enter the schema name for the database.
      The following table describes the properties that you must configure for the database:
      Schema name
      Name of the schema that will contain domain configuration tables. If this parameter is blank, the installer creates the tables in the default schema.
    3. To enter the JDBC connection information using the JDBC URL information, press
      . To enter the JDBC connection information using a custom JDBC connection string, press
    4. Enter the JDBC connection information.
      • To enter the connection information using the JDBC URL information, specify the JDBC URL properties.
        The following table describes the database connection information:
        Database host name
        Host name for the database.
        Database port number
        Port number for the database.
        Database service name
        Service or database name:
        • Oracle: Enter the service name.
        • Microsoft SQL Server: Enter the database name.
        • IBM DB2: Enter the service name.
        • Sybase ASE: Enter the database name.
        • PostgreSQL: Enter the database name.
        Configure JDBC Parameters
        Select whether to add additional JDBC parameters to the connection string:
        1 - Yes
        2 - No
        If you select Yes, enter the parameters or press Enter to accept the default. If you select No, the installer creates the JDBC connection string without parameters.
      • To enter the connection information using a custom JDBC connection string, type the connection string.
        Use the following syntax in the JDBC connection string:
        IBM DB2
        jdbc:Informatica:db2://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=
        jdbc:Informatica:oracle://<host name>:<port number>;ServiceName=
        Use the following connection string to connect to the Oracle database through the Oracle Connection Manager:
        jdbc:Informatica:oracle:TNSNamesFile=<fully qualified path to the tnsnames.ora file>;TNSServerName=<TNS name>;
        Microsoft SQL Server
        jdbc:Informatica:sqlserver://<host name>:<port number>;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=
        Microsoft SQL Server with Windows NT credentials
        If you specified the Windows NT credentials for the Model repository database on Microsoft SQL Server, specify the connection string syntax to include the authentication method as NTLM.
        Microsoft SQL Server that uses the default instance with Windows NT credentials:
        "jdbc:informatica:sqlserver://<nome do host>:<número da porta>;DatabaseName=<nome do banco de dados>;SnapshotSerializable=true;authenticationMethod=NTLM"
        Microsoft SQL Server that uses a named instance with Windows NT credentials:
        "jdbc:informatica:sqlserver://<nome do host>\<nome da instância nomeada>;DatabaseName=<nome do banco de dados>;SnapshotSerializable=true;authenticationMethod=NTLM"
        Microsoft Azure SQL
        jdbc:Informatica:sqlserver://<host name>:<port number>;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=<database name>;SnapshotSerializable=true;EncryptionMethod=SSL;HostNameInCertificate=*;ValidateServerCertificate=false
        Azure SQL Database with Active Directory authentication
        jdbc:informatica: sqlserver://<host_name>:<port_number>;database=<database_name>;encrypt=true;AuthenticationMethod=ActiveDirectoryPassword;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*;loginTimeout=<seconds>
        jdbc:Informatica:postgresql://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=
        Azure PostgreSQL
        jdbc:Informatica:postgresql://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=<database name>;EncryptionMethod=SSL;ValidateServerCertificate=true;CryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2;
        jdbc:Informatica:sybase://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=
        Verify that the connection string contains all the connection parameters required by your database system.
  5. If you create a secure domain configuration repository, enter the parameters for the secure database.
    If you create the domain configuration repository on a secure database, you must provide the truststore information for the database.
    The following table describes the options available to create a secure domain configuration repository database:
    Database truststore file
    Path and file name of the truststore file for the secure database.
    Database truststore password
    Password for the truststore file.
    Custom JDBC Connection String
    JDBC connection string to connect to the secure database, including the host name and port number and the security parameters for the database.
    In addition to the host name and port number for the database server, you must include the following secure database parameters:
    Required. Indicates whether data is encrypted when transmitted over the network. This parameter must be set to
    Optional. Indicates whether Informatica validates the certificate that the database server sends.
    If this parameter is set to True, Informatica validates the certificate that the database server sends. If you specify the HostNameInCertificate parameter, Informatica also validates the host name in the certificate.
    If this parameter is set to False, Informatica does not validate the certificate that the database server sends. Informatica ignores any truststore information that you specify
    Default is True.
    Optional. Host name of the machine that hosts the secure database. If you specify a host name, Informatica validates the host name included in the connection string against the host name in the SSL certificate.
    Required. Specifies the cryptographic protocol to use to connect to a secure database. You can set the parameter to
    based on the cryptographic protocol used by the database server.
    You must also provide a JDBC connection string that includes the security parameters for the database. You can use the following syntax for the connection strings:
    • Oracle:
      jdbc:Informatica:oracle://<host name>:<port number>;ServiceName=<service name>;EncryptionMethod=SSL;HostNameInCertificate=<database host name>;ValidateServerCertificate=<true or false>
    • IBM DB2:
      jdbc:Informatica:db2://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=<database name>;EncryptionMethod=SSL;HostNameInCertificate=<database host name>;ValidateServerCertificate=<true or false>
    • Microsoft SQL Server:
      jdbc:Informatica:sqlserver://<host name>:<port number>;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=<database name>;EncryptionMethod=SSL;HostNameInCertificate=<database host name>;ValidateServerCertificate=<true or false>
    • Microsoft SQL Server with Windows NT credentials:
      If you have previously specified the Windows NT credentials for the Model repository database on Microsoft SQL Server, specify the connection string syntax to include the authentication method as NTLM.
      • Microsoft SQL Server that uses the default instance with Windows NT credentials:
        "jdbc:informatica:sqlserver://<nome do host>:<número da porta>;DatabaseName=<nome do banco de dados>;SnapshotSerializable=true;authenticationMethod=NTLM"
      • Microsoft SQL Server that uses a named instance with Windows NT credentials:
        "jdbc:informatica:sqlserver://<nome do host>\<nome da instância nomeada>;DatabaseName=<nome do banco de dados>;SnapshotSerializable=true;authenticationMethod=NTLM"
    • Microsoft Azure SQL:
      jdbc:Informatica:sqlserver://<host name:port number>;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=<database name>;SnapshotSerializable=true;EncryptionMethod=SSL;HostNameInCertificate=<database host name>;ValidateServerCertificate=<true or false>
    • PostgreSQL:
      jdbc:Informatica:postgresql://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=<database name>;EncryptionMethod=SSL;HostNameInCertificate=<database host name>;ValidateServerCertificate=<true or false>
    • Azure PostgreSQL:
      jdbc:Informatica:postgresql://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=<database name>;EncryptionMethod=SSL;ValidateServerCertificate=true;CryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2;
    The installer does not validate the connection string. Verify that the connection string contains all the connection parameters and security parameters required by your database.
  6. If the database contains a domain configuration repository for a previous domain, select to overwrite the data or set up another database.
    1. Press 1 for OK to enter the connection information for a new database.
    2. Press 2 for Continue for the installer to overwrite the data in the database with new domain configuration.
Domain Security - Encryption Key
section appears.