Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation and Configuration
  3. Pre-Installation Tasks
  4. Installation
  5. Post-Installation Tasks
  6. Uninstallation
  7. Troubleshooting the Installation
  8. Appendix A: Configuring Extended JVM Parameters

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing Edge Data Streaming in Console Mode

Edge Data Streaming
in Console Mode

You can install EDS in console mode on Linux.
  1. Log in to the machine with a system user account.
  2. On a command line, run from the directory where you extracted the installation files. Assign execute permissions before running the script or run the sh ./ command.
  3. Press
    to continue.
  4. Press 1 to accept the terms of the license agreement.
    EDS Installation
    page appears.
  5. Select the
    components you want to install.
    You can install the following components from the
    EDS Installation
    Apache ZooKeeper
    Enter 1 and Press
    to install Apache ZooKeeper that is part of the EDS installer. If you already have ZooKeeper installed, provide configuration information in the
    Components Configuration
    Administration Components
    Enter 1 and press
    to install the following components:
    • EDS Components on an existing Informatica Platform. Select this option if you have installed Informatica.
    Administrator Daemon
    is installed if you select Administration components.
    Edge Data Streaming Node
    Enter 1 and press
    to install the
    EDS Node
  6. Optionally, to enable security, enter 1 and press
    If you enable security, the installer sets up HTTPS connection between the
    Informatica Platform Installation Directory
    page appears.
  7. Enter the path to the Informatica server installation.
  8. Press
    Pre-Installation Summary
    details appear.
  9. Press
    to continue with the installation.
    Components Configuration
    page appears when the installation completes. The configuration details that you should specify depends on the components you selected in the
    EDS Installation
    If you selected Administration components, enter the following configuration details:
    Unicast Topic Resolution Daemon Port (LBMRD)
    Port for the Topic Resolution Daemon (LBMRD).
    Default is 15380.
    Administrator Tool Monitoring Port
    Port that Informatica Administrator uses to send statistics to the
    Administrator Daemon
    . Default is 15386.
    Daemon HTTP(S) Server Port
    Port on which the
    Administrator Daemon
    runs an HTTP or HTTPS server from which the EDS Node fetches configuration. If you selected secure communication for the components, the
    Administrator Daemon
    runs an HTTPS server.
    Default is 15381.
    Monitoring Traffic Port
    Port that the
    Administrator Daemon
    uses to receive statistics from the EDS Node.
    Administrator Tool Monitoring Port
    Port that Informatica Administrator uses to communicate with the
    Administrator Daemon
    . Default is 15386.
    If you selected the EDS Node and Apache ZooKeeper components, enter the following configuration details:
    Network Interface Address
    Select the network interface if you are installing the components on a multi-homed host.
    The interface has the following format:
    <IP Address>
    . For example,
    Apache ZooKeeper IP Address and Ports
    The IP address and port that the
    Administrator Daemon
    uses to communicate with Apache ZooKeeper.
    The IP address and port combination has the following format:
    <IP Address or host name>:<port>
    You can enter multiple comma-separated IP address and port combinations. If you have configured high availability on ZooKeeper and one instance of ZooKeeper is down, the
    Administrator Daemon
    connects to the next available ZooKeeper server.
    If you have enabled security for the Informatica domain, the installer enables the
    SSL Network Authentication
    option. EDS uses the same SSL certificates used by the Informatica domain.
    If you have enabled Kerberos authentication for the Informatica domain, the installer enables the
    Kerberos Network Authentication
    Optionally, you can configure Kerberos authentication between the Administrator Daemon and the Administrator tool. Press 1 to enable Kerberos authentication.
    Specify the location of the following keytab files:
    • Administrator Daemon and EDS Node keytab files. To configure Kerberos authentication for EDS, specify these keytab files.
    • Administrator Daemon, EDS Node, and Administrator tool keytab files. To configure Kerberos authentication between the Administrator Daemon and the Administrator tool, specify these keytab files.
  10. Press
    Post-Installation Summary
    page appears when the installation is complete.
  11. Press
    to exit the installation process.


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