Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Cloud Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: REST Call Example
  5. Appendix B: Geocode Countries
  6. Appendix C: Certified Mode Values

Developer Guide

Developer Guide



You submit the following request:
Indicate a REST call to Address Verification in a POST method.
POST /AV6/v1/process HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json
Enter your credentials. Optionally, specify the service information details that you require when you make the call.
{ "Login": "*****", "Password": "*****", "UseTransactions": "TEST",
Set the process mode for verification.
"Request": { "Parameters": { "Mode": "QuickCapture",
Set the output detail, result, and standardization parameters that you want to apply to the address.
"CountrySets": [ { "OutputDetail": { "PreformattedData": { "PostalFormattedAddressLines": true, "SingleAddressLine": true, "SingleAddressLineDelimiter": "Space" }, "SubItems": true }, "Result": { "MaxResultCount": 20, "NumericRangeExpansion": { "RangesToExpand": "None", "RangeExpansionType": "Flexible" } }, "Standardizations": [ { "Default": { "PreferredScript": { "Script": "Latin", "TransliterationType": "Default", "LimitLatinCharacters": "Latin1" }, "FormatWithCountry": false, "CountryNameType": "NameEN", "CountryCodeType": "ISO3", "MaxItemLength": 255, "Casing": "PostalAdmin", "DescriptorLength": "Database", "AliasHandling": "PostalAdmin" } } ] } ] },
Specify the address that you want to verify.
"IO": { "Inputs": [ { "AddressElements": { "Country" : "CAN" }, "PreformattedData":{ "SingleAddressLine":"181 Wellington Toronto M5V 3G7" } } ] } } }


We’d like to hear from you!
Chris Grittmann - October 13, 2023

This example does not work when copied and pasted.  It errors with Incorrect JSON Format

Informatica Documentation Team - October 16, 2023

Hi Chris. We’re working to address your comment and will get back to you.

Informatica Documentation Team - August 19, 2024

Hi Chris,

We tried copy-pasting the same example in the SOAP UI tool, and it's working as expected. Can you carefully copy the example (only JSON, not the comments), and try once more?


Informatica Documentation team

Soumick Sarkar - August 19, 2024

My organization's API which was talking to the Address Doctor API - Version 4 is giving some issues and we want to use the latest version of the Address Doctor API. Can someone help on that ?

Informatica Documentation Team - August 19, 2024

Hi Soumick,

We’re working to address your comment and will get back to you.



Informatica Documentation Team

Informatica Documentation Team - August 19, 2024

Hi Soumick,

We’d like to get some more information about your comment. Can you clarify what issues you face while using the AV API? 



Informatica Documentation team

Soumick Sarkar - August 21, 2024

Hello Team,

When we validate this address - "497 MOHEGAN PARKWAY AVE PKWY" using the Address Doctor API, be it V4 or V6.4.0, the province returned is "Southeastern Ct". However, it should be "New London", as "New London" is more accurate w.r.t this address.

Let me know if the above information is sufficient for you to help out.


Soumick Sarkar

Informatica Documentation Team - August 22, 2024

Hi Soumick,

We’re working to address your comment and will get back to you. In the meantime, please open a case in the Informatica support portal with the issue details.



Informatica Documentation Team