Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Cloud Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: REST Call Example
  5. Appendix B: Geocode Countries
  6. Appendix C: Certified Mode Values

Developer Guide

Developer Guide



The StandardizeInvalidAddresses property can standardize the address elements in an address that returns I as a Process Status score. Standardizing the address elements in an invalid address can improve the performance of any downstream data quality process, such as deduplication, that you apply to the address.
You set the property at the address level.
Set the StandardizeInvalidAddresses property to true or false. The default value is false.
When the StandardizeInvalidAddresses property is set to true, Informatica Address Verification standardizes the following address elements in addresses that have an I process status:
  • Street types
  • Pre- and post-directionals
  • Delivery service items
  • Subbuilding descriptors
  • State/province/regions
For example, Address Verification can standardize California to CA.


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