Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Cloud Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: REST Call Example
  5. Appendix B: Geocode Countries
  6. Appendix C: Certified Mode Values

Developer Guide

Developer Guide



The Casing property specifies the character casing policy to apply to the address output.
You can set the property at the element level and at the address level. The element-level Casing property takes precedence over the address-level property.
You can set the following casing policies at the address level and individually on each element:
Returns the output in uppercase letters.
Returns the output in lowercase letters.
Returns the output in mixed case with an appropriate use of uppercase letters. For example, a mixed case policy will start proper nouns and street names with an uppercase letter.
Preserves the style from the input.
If Address Verification corrects the input data, Address Verification endeavors to return the corrected data output in the same case.
Returns the output in the casing style that the local postal authority prefers. The default value is PostalAdmin.
You can set the following casing policies at the element level only:
Returns the element in the casing style that the address-level casing policy specifies. The default value is UseDefault.
You can set the following casing policies at the element level for elements that combine two or more other elements:
Returns each element in the string in the casing style that the element configuration specifies.
The following elements under ElementStandardizations support the ElementSpecific option:
  • NumberAndSubBuilding
  • PostalDeliveryAddressLines
  • PostalFormattedAddressLines
  • PostalLocalityLine
  • PostalRecipientLines
  • SingleAddressLine
  • StreetWithNumber


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