Certified Mode Verification of United States Addresses
Certified Mode Verification of United States Addresses
You can use certified mode to verify United States addresses in accordance with the CASS guidelines of the United States Postal Service. To verify United States addresses in certified mode, you must install the United States
databases and include the corresponding unlock codes in
databases for the United States are numbered
. The
databases for the United States contain CASS-related information such as Carrier Route codes, EWS, ZIPMOVE, LACSLink, DPV, DFS2, and SuiteLink.
Certified mode verification of United States addresses is available only to customers in the United States.
The following list describes some of the
The ZIPMOVE database contains information about past ZIP code changes. The ZIPMOVE database is required for CASS-certified address verification.
The Early Warning System (EWS) database contains information about upcoming changes to ZIP codes. The EWS database is required for CASS-certified address verification.
The LACSLink database is a secure database of addresses converted in the implementation of the 911 system, which includes changes from rural-style addresses to city-style addresses. The LACSLink database also contains city-style addresses that have been renamed or renumbered.
Effective from CASS Cycle L (2007-2009), LACSLink processing is required for CASS-certified address verification.
The DPV database has information that helps you check whether a ZIP+4 coded address is in the USPS delivery file as a known address record. You can use the DPV product to confirm known USPS addresses and to identify potential addressing issues that might affect delivery. Note that even when you do not have the certified databases, Informatica Address Verification adds ZIP+4 Codes if
is available.
Effective from CASS Cycle L (2007-2009), DPV processing is required for CASS-certified address verification.
The SuiteLink database contains suite numbers for business addresses in selected high-rise buildings and targets high-rise addresses with high-volume default mail. The SuiteLink database improves the business addressing information through assignment of suite numbers. The
file contains the latest data from the USPS. If the input address contains firm or company information, Address Verification initiates the SuiteLink verification.
Address Verification also sends records with input suite data that do not match with the ZIP4 file thorough the SuiteLink process. If Address Verification finds a match for such addresses while verifying against SuiteLink, Address Verification retains the input suite data in the residue component and output in DAL2. The USPS requires the address verification operation to retain the extraneous data.
Effective from CASS Cycle M (2009-2011), SuiteLink processing is required for CASS-certified address verification.
The Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) processing verifies whether the input data maps to a residence address or a business address. The
databases contain RDI processing-related information. RDI processing returns either Y or N based on the nature of the address. If Address Verification finds a ZIP9 or ZIP11 match for the input address, Address Verification marks the address as business delivery and returns a value of N. If Address Verification does not find a ZIP9 or ZIP11 for the input address, Address Verification marks the address as residential delivery and returns a value of Y. The RDI processing is useful for parcel shippers.
The eLOT or the Enhanced Line of Travel database contains information that helps you sort the mail items in approximate carrier-casing sequence. The eLOT information is available in
databases. The eLOT information contains an eLOT sequence number field and an ascending or descending code. The eLOT sequence number indicates the first occurrence of delivery made to the add-on range within the carrier route. The ascending or descending code indicates the approximate delivery order within the sequence number.
The PBSA database contains post office box addresses that use a street address format. In a post office box street address (PBSA), the street address identifies the post office that contains the post office box.