Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Analyst Service
  3. Content Management Service
  4. Data Integration Service
  5. Data Integration Service Architecture
  6. Data Integration Service Management
  7. Data Integration Service Grid
  8. Data Integration Service Applications
  9. Mass Ingestion Service
  10. Metadata Access Service
  11. Metadata Manager Service
  12. Model Repository Service
  13. PowerCenter Integration Service
  14. PowerCenter Integration Service Architecture
  15. High Availability for the PowerCenter Integration Service
  16. PowerCenter Repository Service
  17. PowerCenter Repository Management
  18. PowerExchange Listener Service
  19. PowerExchange Logger Service
  20. SAP BW Service
  21. Search Service
  22. System Services
  23. Test Data Manager Service
  24. Test Data Warehouse Service
  25. Web Services Hub
  26. Application Service Upgrade
  27. Application Service Databases
  28. Connecting to Databases from Windows
  29. Connecting to Databases from UNIX
  30. Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Creating a PowerCenter Repository Service

Creating a PowerCenter Repository Service

  1. In the Administrator tool, click the
    tab >
    Services and Nodes
  2. In the Domain Navigator, select the folder where you want to create the PowerCenter Repository Service.
    If you do not select a folder, you can move the PowerCenter Repository Service into a folder after you create it.
  3. In the Domain Actions menu, click New > PowerCenter Repository Service.
    The Create New Repository Service dialog box appears.
  4. Enter values for the following PowerCenter Repository Service options.
    The following table describes the PowerCenter Repository Service options:
    Name of the PowerCenter Repository Service. The characters must be compatible with the code page of the repository. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters or begin with @. It also cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
    ` ~ % ^ * + = { } \ ; : ' " / ? . , < > | ! ( ) ] [
    The PowerCenter Repository Service and the repository have the same name.
    Description of PowerCenter Repository Service. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
    Domain and folder where the service is created. Click Select Folder to choose a different folder. You can also move the PowerCenter Repository Service to a different folder after you create it.
    License that allows use of the service. If you do not select a license when you create the service, you can assign a license later. The options included in the license determine the selections you can make for the repository. For example, you must have the team-based development option to create a versioned repository. Also, you need the high availability option to run the PowerCenter Repository Service on more than one node.
    Node on which the service process runs. Required if you do not select a license with the high availability option. If you select a license with the high availability option, this property does not appear.
    Primary Node
    Node on which the service process runs by default. Required if you select a license with the high availability option. This property appears if you select a license with the high availability option.
    Backup Nodes
    Nodes on which the service process can run if the primary node is unavailable. Optional if you select a license with the high availability option. This property appears if you select a license with the high availability option.
    Database Type
    Type of database storing the repository.
    Code Page
    Repository code page. The PowerCenter Repository Service uses the character set encoded in the repository code page when writing data to the repository. You cannot change the code page in the PowerCenter Repository Service properties after you create the PowerCenter Repository Service.
    Connect String
    Native connection string the PowerCenter Repository Service uses to access the repository database. For example, use
    for Microsoft SQL Server and
    for Oracle.
    Account for the repository database. Set up this account using the appropriate database client tools.
    Repository database password corresponding to the database user. Must be in 7-bit ASCII.
    Use DSN
    Enables the PowerCenter Integration Service to use the Data Source Name from the Microsoft ODBC Administrator for the connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database.
    If you select the Use DSN option, the PowerCenter Integration Service retrieves the database and server names from the DSN.
    If you do not select the Use DSN option, you must provide the database and server names.
    DataSource Name
    Name of the datasource in the DSN.
    Tablespace name for IBM DB2 and Sybase repositories. When you specify the tablespace name, the PowerCenter Repository Service creates all repository tables in the same tablespace. You cannot use spaces in the tablespace name.
    To improve repository performance on IBM DB2 EEE repositories, specify a tablespace name with one node.
    Creation Mode
    Creates or omits new repository content.
    Select one of the following options:
    • Create repository content. Select if no content exists in the database. Optionally, choose to create a global repository, enable version control, or both. If you do not select these options during service creation, you can select them later. However, if you select the options during service creation, you cannot later convert the repository to a local repository or to a non-versioned repository. The option to enable version control appears if you select a license with the team-based development option.
    • Do not create repository content. Select if content exists in the database or if you plan to create the repository content later.
    Enable the Repository Service
    Enables the service. When you select this option, the service starts running when it is created. Otherwise, you need to click the Enable button to run the service. You need a valid license to run a PowerCenter Repository Service.
  5. If you create a PowerCenter Repository Service for a repository with existing content and the repository existed in a different Informatica domain, verify that users and groups with privileges for the PowerCenter Repository Service exist in the current domain.
    The Service Manager periodically synchronizes the list of users and groups in the repository with the users and groups in the domain configuration database. During synchronization, users and groups that do not exist in the current domain are deleted from the repository. You can use
    to export users and groups from the source domain and import them into the target domain.
  6. Click OK.


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