Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Web Services
  3. SOAP Web Services
  4. WSDL Data Object
  5. Schema Object
  6. How to Create a SOAP Web Service
  7. Operation Mappings
  8. Parsing Web Service SOAP Messages
  9. Generating Web Service SOAP Messages
  10. Web Service Consumer Transformation
  11. REST Web Services
  12. How to Create a REST Web Service
  13. REST Web Service Consumer Transformation
  14. REST Web Service Consumer Transformation Use Cases
  15. REST and SOAP Web Service Administration
  16. Datatype Compatibility

Web Services Guide

Web Services Guide

Filter Data in Resource Mappings

Filter Data in Resource Mappings

When the request message contains query parameters, the Data Integration Service filters the output data with the query parameter values.
The Data Integration Service can filter the output rows in a default resource mapping and in a custom resource mapping.
You can include the following conditions in a request message query:
<> = != >= <=
To configure parameters in the URI, include the following clause:
?filtercondition=<column name> <operand><value>
For example, the following request message searches for all customer rows that have a "BUILDING" market segment value:
If the column data type is a string, enclose the search value in a single quote ('). If the column data type is numeric, do not enclose the search value in quotes.
For example, the following request includes a search parameter that is numeric:
The REST web service returns the customer with an account balance of 9331.13.
The following text shows the REST response message in XML format:
<CUSTOMERs> <tns:CUSTOMER xmlns:tns="http:////"> <tns:C_CUSTKEY url="http://myServer:8095/DataIntegrationService/RestService/REST_Web_Service/CUSTOMER/63">63</tns:C_CUSTKEY> <tns:C_NAME>Customer#000000063</tns:C_NAME> <tns:C_ADDRESS>IXRSpVWWZraKII</tns:C_ADDRESS> <tns:C_NATIONKEY>21</tns:C_NATIONKEY> <tns:C_PHONE>31-952-552-9584</tns:C_PHONE> <tns:C_ACCTBAL>9331.13</tns:C_ACCTBAL> <tns:C_MKTSEGMENT>AUTOMOBILE</tns:C_MKTSEGMENT> <tns:C_COMMENT>Apply discount</tns:C_COMMENT> </tns:CUSTOMER> </CUSTOMERs>
If you have multiple parameters to include in the query, join the parameters with 'AND'.
http://usw1mj02ee4j:8095/DataIntegrationService/RESTSERVICE/REST_Web_Service0/CUSTOMER/?filterCondition=C_ACCTBAL=9331.13 AND C_NATIONKEY='21'
If a column data type is a Date/Time, you can convert the parameter string from the URI to a Date/Time format and specify the format of the parameter string.
For example, the following statement converts the parameter string to Date/Time format:
?filterCondition= O_ORDERDATE=TO_DATE('1994-11-17 00:00:00.000000000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.NS')


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