| Description
| Name of the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service . The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters or begin with @. It also cannot contain spaces or the following special characters: ` ~ % ^ * + = { } \ ; : ' " / ? . , < > | ! ( ) ] [
| Description of the Enterprise Data Preparation Service . The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
| Location of the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service in the Informatica domain. You can create the service within a folder in the domain.
| License object that allows the use of the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service .
Node Assignment
| Type of node in the Informatica domain on which the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service runs. Select
Single Node if a single service process runs on the node or
Primary and Backup Nodes if a service process is enabled on each node for high availability. However, only a single process runs at any given time, and the other processes maintain standby status.
Primary and Backup Nodes option is available based on the license configuration.
Default is Single Node.
| Name of the node on which the Enterprise Data Preparation Service runs.
| Description
Model Repository Service
| Name of the Model Repository Service associated with the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service .
Model Repository Service User Name
| User account to use to log in to the Model Repository Service.
Model Repository Service User Password
| Password for the Model Repository Service user account.
| Description
Interactive Data Preparation Service
| Name of the
Interactive Data Preparation Service associated with the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service .
Data Integration Service
| Name of the Data Integration Service associated with the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service .
Catalog Service
| Name of the Catalog Service associated with the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service .
Catalog Service User Name
| User account to use to log in to the Catalog Service.
Catalog Service User Password
| Password for the Catalog Service user account.
| Description
Execution Engine
| Engine to run the mappings.
Hadoop Connection
| Hadoop connection for the data lakehouse.
HDFS Connection
| HDFS connection for the Hadoop working directory.
Hadoop Working Directory
| HDFS directory where the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service copies temporary data and files necessary for the service to run. This directory must have permissions to enable users to upload data.
Hadoop Authentication Mode
| Security mode of the Hadoop cluster for the data lake. If the Hadoop cluster uses Kerberos authentication, you must set the required Hadoop security properties for the cluster.
Local Working Directory
| Local directory that contains the files downloaded from the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service application, such as .csv or .tde files
| Description
Log User Activity Events
| Indicates whether the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service logs user activity events.
Solr JVM Options
| Solr JVM options required to connect to the specified JDBC port used to retrieve data from Zookeeper. Set to connect to Zookeeper from an external client.
Index Directory
| Location of a shared NFS directory used by primary and secondary nodes in a multiple node installation.
| Description
Maximum Concurrent Upload/Download Activities
| Maximum concurrent upload or download activities. You can specify a maximum of 2,000,000,000 activities to run concurrently. Enter a value of -1 (default) to run unbounded number of activities concurrently.
| Description
| Port number for the HTTP connection to the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service .
Enable Secure Communication
| Use a secure connection to connect to the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service . If you enable secure communication, you must enter all required HTTPS options.
| Port number for the HTTPS connection to the
Enterprise Data Preparation Service .
Keystore File
| Path and the file name of keystore file that contains key and certificates required for the HTTPS connection.
Keystore Password
| Password for the keystore file.
Truststore File
| Path and the file name of the truststore file that contains authentication certificates for the HTTPS connection.
Truststore Password
| Password for the truststore file.