Common Content for Data Engineering
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| Description
| Name of the PowerCenter Integration Service. The characters must be compatible with the code page of the associated repository. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters or begin with @. It also cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
` ~ % ^ * + = { } \ ; : ' " / ? . , < > | ! ( ) ] [
| Description of the PowerCenter Integration Service. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
| Domain and folder where the service is created. Click Browse to choose a different folder. You can also move the PowerCenter Integration Service to a different folder after you create it.
| License to assign to the PowerCenter Integration Service. If you do not select a license now, you can assign a license to the service later. Required if you want to enable the PowerCenter Integration Service.
The options allowed in your license determine the properties you must set for the PowerCenter Integration Service.
| Node on which the PowerCenter Integration Service runs. Required if you do not select a license or your license does not include the high availability option.
| Indicates whether the PowerCenter Integration Service runs on a grid or nodes.
| Name of the grid on which the PowerCenter Integration Service run.
Available if your license includes the high availability option. Required if you assign the PowerCenter Integration Service to run on a grid.
Primary Node
| Primary node on which the PowerCenter Integration Service runs.
Backup Nodes
| Nodes used as backup to the primary node.
Displays if you configure the PowerCenter Integration Service to run on mutiple nodes and you have the high availability option. Click Select to choose the nodes to use for backup.
Associated Repository Service
| PowerCenter Repository Service associated with the PowerCenter Integration Service. If you do not select the associated PowerCenter Repository Service now, you can select it later. You must select the PowerCenter Repository Service before you run the PowerCenter Integration Service.
Repository User Name
| User name to access the repository.
Repository Password
| Password for the user. Required when you select an associated PowerCenter Repository Service.
Security Domain
| Security domain for the user. Required when you select an associated PowerCenter Repository Service. To apply changes, restart the PowerCenter Integration Service.
The Security Domain field appears when the Informatica domain contains an LDAP security domain.
Data Movement Mode
| Mode that determines how the PowerCenter Integration Service handles character data. Choose ASCII or Unicode. ASCII mode passes 7-bit ASCII or EBCDIC character data. Unicode mode passes 8-bit ASCII and multibyte character data from sources to targets.
Default is ASCII.