Common Content for Data Engineering
- Common Content for Data Engineering 10.5.2
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| Description
| Name of the service. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters or begin with @. It also cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
` ~ % ^ * + = { } \ ; : ' " / ? . , < > | ! ( ) ] [
| Description of the service. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
| Domain and folder where the service is created. Click
Browse to choose a different folder. You can move the service after you create it.
| License object that allows use of the service.
| Node on which the service runs.
| Description
Model Repository Service
| Model Repository Service to associate with the service.
User Name
| User name that the service uses to access the Model Repository Service. Enter the Model repository user that you created.
| Password for the Model repository user.
| Description
| Unique HTTP port number for the Mass Ingestion Service process when the service uses the HTTP protocol. Default is 9050.
Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS)
| Enables the Transport Layer Security protocol to encrypt connections between the Mass Ingestion Service and external components.
If you enable the TLS protocol, you must specify an HTTPS port and a keystore file. You do not specify an HTTP port.
| Unique HTTPS port number for the Mass Ingestion Service process when the service uses the HTTPS protocol.
When you set an HTTPS port number, you must also define the keystore file that contains the required keys and certificates.
Keystore File
| Path and file name of the keystore file that contains the keys and certificates required if you use HTTPS connections for the Mass Ingestion Service.
You can create a keystore file with a keytool. keytool is a utility that generates and stores private or public key pairs and associated certificates in a keystore file. You can use the self-signed certificate or use a certificate signed by a certificate authority.
Keystore Password
| Password for the keystore file.