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CreateService <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name <-NodeName|-nn> node_name [<-SecurityDomain|-sdn> security_domain] <-UserName|-un> user_name <-Password|-pd> password <-ServiceName|-sn> service_name [<-ResilienceTimeout|-re> timeout_period_in_seconds] [<-HttpPort|-p> port_name] [<-HttpsPort|-sp> https_port_name] [<-KeystoreFile|-kf> keystore_file_location] [<-KeystorePassword|-kp> keystore_password] [<-SSLProtocol|-sslp> ssl_protocol] <-GatewayHost|-hgh> FQDN Host name of the node that serves as the gateway to the cluster [<-DataNodes|-hn> Comma-separated list of fqdn host names that are data nodes of the cluster. Mandatory if advance config is not enabled] <-ProcessingNodes|-pn> Comma-separated list of fqdn host names that are processing nodes of the cluster <-GatewayUser|-gu> Username for the Gateway Node. Enable a Passwordless SSH connection from Informatica Domain to Gateway Host for this user. Must be non-root sudo user [<-ClusterCustomDir|-ccd> Cluster Custom Dir (default /opt/informatica/ics)] [<-ClusterSharedFilesystemPath|-csfp> Cluster Shared Filesystem Path] [<-OtherOptions|-oo> other options (specified in format: [OptionGroupName.OptionName=OptionValue]. Multiple options can be separated by comma. OptionValue should be specified within double quotes if it contains a comma.)] [<-BackupNodes|-bn> node_name1,node_name2,...] [<-NomadServerHosts|-nsh> Nomad Server Hosts] [<-NomadSerfPort|-nsp> Nomad Server Port (default 4648)] [<-NomadHttpPort|-nhp> Nomad Http Port (default 4646)] [<-NomadRpcPort|-nrp> Nomad RPC Port (default 4647)] [<-NomadServerDir|-nsd> Nomad Server Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/nomad/nomadserver)] [<-NomadClientDir|-ncd> Nomad Client Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/nomad/nomadclient)] [<-NomadCustomOptions|-nco> Nomad Custom Options. (specified in format: [OptionName=OptionValue]. Multiple options can be separated by comma. OptionValue should be specified within double quotes if it contains a comma.)] [<-ZookeeperHosts|-zh> Zookeeper Hosts] [<-ZookeeperPort|-zp> Zookeepr Port (default 2181)] [<-ZookeeperPeerPort|-zpp> Zookeeper Peer Port (default 2888)] [<-ZookeeperLeaderPort|-zlp> Zookeeper Leader Port (default 3888)] [<-ZookeeperInstallDir|-zih> Zookeeper Install Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/zk/install)] [<-ZookeeperDataDir|-zdd> Zookeeper Data Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/zk/data)] [<-ZookeeperCustomOptions|-zco> Zookeeper Custom Options. (specified in format: [OptionName=OptionValue]. Multiple options can be separated by comma. OptionValue should be specified within double quotes if it contains a comma.)] [<-SolrHosts|-sh> Solr Hosts] [<-SolrPort|-sop> Solr Port (default 8983)] [<-SolrInstallDir|-sih> Solr Install Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/solr/install)] [<-SolrDataDir|-sdd> Solr Data Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/solr/data)] [<-SolrCustomOptions|-sco> Solr Custom Options. (specified in format: [OptionName=OptionValue]. Multiple options can be separated by comma. OptionValue should be specified within double quotes if it contains a comma.)] [<-MongoHosts|-mdh> MongoDB Hosts] [<-MongoPort|-mdp> MonogDB Port (default 27017)] [<-MongoLogDir|-mdld> MongoDB Log Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/mongo/log)] [<-MongoDataDir|-mddd> MongoDB Data Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/mongo/data)] [<-MongoCustomOptions|-mco> MongoDB Custom Options. (specified in format: [OptionName=OptionValue]. Multiple options can be separated by comma. OptionValue should be specified within double quotes if it contains a comma.)] [<-PostgresHost|-pgh> Postgres Host] [<-PostgresPort|-pgp> Postgres Port (default 5432)] [<-PostgresInstallationDir|-pgdir> Postgres Install Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/postgres/install)] [<-PostgresLogDir|-pgldir> Postgres Log Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/postgres/log)] [<-PostgresDataDir|-pgddir> Postgres Data Dir (default $ClusterCustomDir/postgres/data)] [<-PostgresCustomOptions|-pgco> Postgres Custom Options. (specified in format: [OptionName=OptionValue]. Multiple options can be separated by comma. OptionValue should be specified within double quotes if it contains a comma.)] [<-ElasticHosts|-esh> elastic_hosts] [<-ElasticHttpPort|-eshp> elastic_httpport] [<-ElasticTcpPort|-estp> elastic_tcpport] [<-ElasticLogDir|-esld> elastic_log_dir] [<-ElasticDataDir|-esdd> elastic_data_dir] [<-ElasticClusterName|-escn> elastic_cluster_name] [<-ElasticEnableTls|-etls> elastic_enable_tls true|false (default false)] [<-ElasticUserName|-eun> elastic_user_name] [<-ElasticPassword|-epswd> elastic_password] [<-SparkMasterNode|-smn> spark_master_node] [<-SparkMasterPort|-smp> spark_master_port] [<-SparkSlaveNodes|-ssn> spark_slave_nodes] [<-SparkExecutorCores|-sec> spark_executor_cores] [<-SparkLogDir|-sld> spark_logdir] [<-DPMEnable|-dpme> Enable DPM true|false (default false)] [<-DPMEnableAdvanceConfig|-dpmeadvc> Enable DPM Advance Config true|false (default false)] [<-EnableAdvanceConfig|-eadvc> Enable Advance Config true|false (default false)]
| Argument
| Description
| domain_name
| Required. Name of the Informatica domain. You can set the domain name with the -dn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN. If you set a domain name with both methods, the -dn option takes precedence.
| node_name
| Required. Informatica Domain node name.
| security_domain
| Required if the domain uses LDAP authentication. Optional if the domain uses native authentication or Kerberos authentication. Name of the security domain to which the domain user belongs. You can set a security domain with the -sdn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_SECURITY_DOMAIN. If you set a security domain name with both methods, the -sdn option takes precedence. The security domain name is case sensitive.
If the domain uses native or LDAP authentication, the default is Native. If the domain uses Kerberos authentication, the default is the LDAP security domain created during installation. The name of the security domain is the same as the user realm specified during installation.
| user_name
| Required if the domain uses Native or LDAP authentication. User name to connect to the domain. You can set the user name with the -un option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_USER. If you set a user name with both methods, the -un option takes precedence.
Optional if the domain uses Kerberos authentication. To run the command with single sign-on, do not set the user name. If you set the user name, the command runs without single sign-on.
| password
| Required if you specify the user name. Password for the user name. The password is case sensitive. You can set a password with the -pd option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_PASSWORD. If you set a password with both methods, the password set with the -pd option takes precedence.
| service_name
| Required. Informatica Cluster Service name.
| timeout_period_in_seconds
| Optional. Amount of time in seconds that infacmd attempts to establish or reestablish a connection to the domain. You can set the resilience timeout period with the -re option or the environment variable INFA_CLIENT_RESILIENCE_TIMEOUT. If you set the resilience timeout period with both methods, the -re option takes precedence.
| port_name
| Optional. A unique HTTP port number used for Informatica Cluster Service. The default port number is 9075.
| https_port_name
| Required if you enable the transport layer security. Port number for the HTTPS connection.
| keystore_file_location
| Required if you select the enable transport layer security. Path and file name of the keystore file. The keystore file contains the keys and certificates required if you use the SSL security protocol with Catalog® Administrator.
| keystore_password
| Required if you select the enable transport layer security. The password for the keystore file.
| ssl_protocol
| Optional. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to use.
| gateway_host
| Required. Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) host name of the node that serves as the gateway to the Informatica cluster.
| data_nodes
| A comma-separated list of FQDN host names that are data nodes of the Informatica cluster. Mandatory if the advance configuration is not enabled.
| processing_nodes
| A comma-separated list of FQDN host names that process nodes of the Informatica cluster.
| gateway_user
| The username for the gateway node. Enable a Passwordless SSH connection from the Informatica domain to the gateway host for the current user. The user must be non-root sudo user.
| cluster_custom_dir
| The custom cluster directory. For example
default /opt/informatica/ics
| cluster_shared_filesystem_path
| Required if the Informatica Cluster Service is on multi-node set up. The path of the cluster shared filesystem.
| other_options
| Multiple options that can be separated by comma. The option value should be specified within the double quotes if it contains a comma. The specified format is:
[OptionGroupName.OptionName=OptionValue] .
| node_name1,node_name2,...
| Optional. Nodes on which the service can run if the primary node is unavailable. You can configure backup nodes if you have high availability.
| nomad_server_hosts
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the comma-separated Nomad server hosts.
| nomad_service_port
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Nomad Server Port. The default is 4648.
| nomad_http_port
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Nomad HTTP Port. The default is 4646.
| nomad_rpc_port
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Nomad RPC port. The default is 4647.
| nomad_server_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Nomad Server Directory. For example,
default $ClusterCustomDir/nomad/nomadserver
| nomad_client_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Nomad Client Directory. For example,
default $ClusterCustomDir/nomad/nomadclient
| nomad_custom_options
| Optional. Specify the comma-separated option value within the double quotes if the value contains a comma. Specified format:
| zookeeper_hosts
| Specify the Zookeeper Hosts with comma-separated values.
| zookeeper_port
| Specify the Zookeeper Port. Default is 2181.
| zookeeper_peer_port
| Specify the Zookeeper Peer Port. Default is 2888.
| zookeeper_leader_port
| Specify the Zookeeper Leader Port. Default is 3888.
| zookeeper_install_dir
| Specify the Zookeeper Installation directory:
(default $ClusterCustomDir/zk/install)]
| zookeeper_data_dir
| Specify the Zookeeper data directory: (default $ClusterCustomDir/zk/data)]
| zookeeper_custom_options
| Optional. The comma-separated Zookeeper custom options. Specify the option in the following format:
Specify the option values within double quotes if the values contain a comma.
| solr_hosts
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Solr hosts.
| solr_port
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Solr port. The default is 8983.
| solr_install_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Solr installation directory. The default is
$ClusterCustomDir/solr/install .
| solr_data_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Solr data directory. The default is
| solr_custom_options
| Optional. Specify the Solr custom options. Specify the options in the following format:
[OptionName=OptionValue] . Multiple options can be separated by a comma. Specify the option value within the double quotes if the value contains a comma.
| mongo_db_hosts
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the MongoDB hosts.
| mongo_port
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the MonogDB port. The default port number is 27017.
| mongo_log_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the MongoDB Log Directory. The default is
| mongo_data_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the MongoDB data directory. The default directory is
| mongo_custom_options
| Optional. Specify the MongoDB custom options. Specify the custom options in the following format:
[OptionName=OptionValue] . Separate multiple options by a comma. Specify the option value within double quotes if the values contain a comma.
| postgres_host
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Postgres host.
| postgres_port
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Postgres port. The default port number is 5432.
| postgres_installation_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Postgres installation directory. The default directory is
$ClusterCustomDir/postgres/install .
| postgres_log_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the postgres log directory. The default directory is
$ClusterCustomDir/postgres/log .
| postgres_data_dir
| Required If you enable the advance configuration property "-eadvc" is set to true. Specify the Postgres data directory. The default directory is
$ClusterCustomDir/postgres/data .
| postgres_custom_options
| Optional. Specify the Postgres custom options. Specify the cutom options in the following format:
[OptionName=OptionValue] . Multiple options can be separated by a comma. Specify the option value within the double quotes if the value contains a comma.
| elastic_hosts
| Specify the elastic host name of the machine on which Elastic search is installed. You can enter multiple host names separated by commas.
| elastic_httpport
| Specify the elastic search port number that Data Privacy Management uses to connect to the Elastic Search Web UI. Default is 9200.
| elastic_tcpport
| Specify the Elastic search port number that Data Privacy Management uses to connect to the Elastic Search application. Default is 9300.
| elastic_log_dir
| Specify the elastic log directory. The location to store Elastic Search log files. Default is
/var/log/elasticsearch .
| elastic_data_dir
| Specify the elastic data directory. The location to store Data Privacy Management data in Elastic Search. Default is
/var/lib/elasticsearch .
| elastic_cluster_name
| Specify the name of the Elastic search cluster.
| elastic_enable_Tls
| Select the option to enable Transport Layer Security (TLS ) for the service. The default is false.
| elastic_user_name
| Specify the Elastic search SSL username.
| elastic_password
| Specify the Elastic search SSL password.
| spark_master_node
| Specify the name of the Spark master node. This must be the Informatica Cluster Service gateway node.
| spark_master_port
| Specify the port number that Data Privacy Management uses to connect to the Spark master node.
| spark_slave_nodes
| Specify the Spark slave nodes. Slave nodes are usually on processing nodes. Can be multiple values separated by commas.
| spark_executor_cores
| Number of Spark executor cores used.
| spark_log_dir
| Specify the Spark log directory. The location to store Spark log files. Default is /var/log/spark.
| dpm_enable
| Enable User Activity that Informatica Cluster Services uses. The default is false.
| dpm_enable_advance_config
| Configure the properties of the applications and associated services of DPM. The default is false.
| enable_advance_config
| Configure the properties of the applications and associated services. The default is false.