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addtodeploymentgroup -p <deployment_group_name> {{-n <object_name> -o <object_type> -t <object_subtype>] [-v <version_number>] [-f <folder_name>]} | [-i <persistent_input_file>]} [-d <dependency_types (all, "non-reusable", or none)>] [-s dbd_separator]
| Argument
| Description
| deployment_group_name
| Required. Name of the deployment group to add objects to.
| object_name
| Required when you add a specific object. Name of the object you are adding to the deployment group. You cannot enter the name of a checked out object. You cannot use the -n option if you use the -i option.
| object_type
| Required when adding a specific object. Type of object you are adding. You can specify source, target, transformation, mapping, session, worklet, workflow, scheduler, session configuration, task, cube, and dimension.
| object_subtype
| Required when using valid subtypes. Type of task or transformation you are adding. For more information about valid subtypes, see
Listing Object Types.
| version_number
| Optional. Version of the object to add. Default is the latest version of the object. The command fails if you specify a version number for a non-versioned repository.
| folder_name
| Required when you enter an object name. Folder that contains the object you are adding.
| persistent_input_file
| A text file generated from ExecuteQuery, Validate, or ListObjectDependencies that contains a list of object records with encoded IDs. If you use this parameter,
pmrep does not allow the -n, -o, and -f options.
| dependency_types
| Optional. Dependent objects to add to the deployment group with the object. Enter one of the following:
If you omit this parameter,
pmrep adds the objects and all dependent objects to the deployment group.
Use double quotes around arguments that contain spaces or non-alphanumeric characters.
| dbd_separator
| Optional. If an ODBC source has a period (.) in the name, define a different separator character when you define the source object. For example, instead of database_name.source_name, define the source object as database_name\source_name, and define the dbd_separator as backslash (\).