Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Hadoop Integration
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Amazon EMR Integration Tasks
  5. Azure HDInsight Integration Tasks
  6. Cloudera CDH Integration Tasks
  7. Hortonworks HDP Integration Tasks
  8. MapR Integration Tasks
  9. Appendix A: Connections

Authentication Details

Authentication Details

The following table describes authentication properties to configure:
Name of the cloud provisioning configuration.
ID of the cloud provisioning configuration. Default: Same as the cloud provisioning configuration name.
Optional. Description of the cloud provisioning configuration.
Subscription ID
ID of the Azure account to use in the cluster creation process.
Tenant ID
A GUID string associated with the Azure Active Directory.
Client ID
A GUID string that is the same as the Application ID associated with the Service Principal. The Service Principal must be assigned to a role that has permission to create resources in the subscription that you identified in the Subscription ID property.
Client Secret
An octet string that provides a key associated with the client ID.


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