Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Hadoop Integration
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Amazon EMR Integration Tasks
  5. Azure HDInsight Integration Tasks
  6. Cloudera CDH Integration Tasks
  7. Hortonworks HDP Integration Tasks
  8. MapR Integration Tasks
  9. Appendix A: Connections

Prepare for Direct Import from Hortonworks HDP

Prepare for Direct Import from Hortonworks HDP

If you plan to provide direct access to the Informatica administrator to import cluster information, provide the required connection information.
The following table describes the information that you need to provide to the Informatica administrator to create the cluster configuration directly from the cluster:
IP address of the cluster manager.
Port of the cluster manager.
User ID
Cluster user ID.
Password for the user.
Cluster name
Name of the cluster. Use the display name if the cluster manager manages multiple clusters. If you do not provide a cluster name, the wizard imports information based on the default cluster.


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