Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Mass Ingestion
  3. Prepare
  4. Create
  5. Deploy
  6. Run
  7. Monitor
  8. infacmd mi Command Reference

Mass Ingestion Guide

Mass Ingestion Guide

Configuring Monitoring

Configuring Monitoring

To monitor a mass ingestion specification, you must configure the domain to display statistics and reports about objects in the domain.
When you configure monitoring in the domain, the Data Integration Services that run mass ingestion specifications store statistics and reports in a Model repository. The statistics include historical information about objects that the Data Integration Services run.
If you do not configure monitoring, some views on the Manage and Monitor tabs do not have content. The workflow graph is empty, and notifications disappear when you refresh the page. You cannot monitor the mapping jobs that perform the mass ingestion job and you cannot monitor the ingestion status in the Mass Ingestion tool.
To set up monitoring statistics and reports, perform the following tasks:
  1. Configure monitoring settings. Configure a Model repository to store run-time statistics for objects that the Data Integration Services run.
  2. Configure reports and statistics views. Choose which statistics appear in the


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