Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Big Data Streaming
  3. Big Data Streaming Administration
  4. Sources in a Streaming Mapping
  5. Targets in a Streaming Mapping
  6. Streaming Mappings
  7. Window Transformation
  8. Connections
  9. Sample Files

Configure Java Authorization and Authentication Service (JAAS)

Configure Java Authorization and Authentication Service (JAAS)

To pass a static JAAS configuration file into the JVM using the
property at run time, perform the following tasks:

Use a Static JAAS Configuration File

  1. Ensure that you have JAAS configuration file.
    For information about creating JAAS configuration and configuring Keytab for Kafka clients, see the Apache Kafka documentation at
    For example, the JAAS configuration file can contain the following lines of configuration:
    //Kafka Client Authentication. Used for client to kafka broker connection KafkaClient { required doNotPrompt=true useKeyTab=true storeKey=true keyTab="<path to keytab file>/<keytab file name>" principal="<principal name>" client=true };
  2. Place the JAAS config file and keytab file in the same location on all the nodes of the Hadoop cluster.
    Put the files in a location that is accessible to all nodes on the cluster, such as
    On the
    Spark Engine
    tab of the Hadoop connection properties, update the
    property of the executor and the driver in the
    Advanced Properties
    property. Click
    and update the properties in the following format: -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M<path to krb5.conf file>/krb5.conf<path to jAAS config>/<kafka_client_jaas>.config -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M<path to krb5.conf file>/krb5.conf<path to jaas config>/<kafka_client_jaas>.config
  3. Configure the following properties in the data object read or write operation:
    • Data object read operation. Configure the
      Consumer Configuration Properties
      property in the advanced properties.
    • Data object write operation. Configure the
      Producer Configuration Properties
      property in the advanced properties.
    Specify the following value:

Embed the JAAS Configuration

To embed the JAAS configuration in the
configuration property, perform the following tasks:
  1. On the
    Spark Engine
    tab of the Hadoop connection properties, update the
    property of the executor and the driver in the
    Advanced Properties
    property. Click
    and update the properties in the following format: -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500<path to krb5.conf file> -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500<path to krb5.conf file>
  2. Configure the following properties in the data object read or write operation:
    • Data object read operation. Configure the
      Consumer Configuration Properties
      property in the advanced properties.
    • Data object write operation. Configure the
      Producer Configuration Properties
      property in the advanced properties.
    Specify the following value:
    security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT,,sasl.mechanism=GSSAPI, required useKeyTab=true storeKey=true doNotPrompt=true serviceName="<service_name>" keyTab="<location of keytab file>" client=true principal="<principal_name>";

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