| Description
Connection URL
| The location and port of the JMS provider on which to connect. For example:
tcp://jndiserverA:61616 |
User Name
| User name to the connection factory.
| The password of the user account that you use to connect to the connection factory.
JNDI Context Factory
| The JMS provider specific initial JNDI context factory implementation for connecting to the JNDI service. This value is a fully qualified class name of the Initial Context Factory.
For example, the class name of the Initial Context Factory for ActiveMQ is
org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory For more information, see the documentation of the JMS provider.
JNDI Package Prefixes
| A colon-delimited list of package prefixes to use when loading URL context factories. These are the package prefixes for the name of the factory class that will create a URL context factory.
For more information about the values, see the documentation of the JMS provider.
JMS Connection Factory
| The name of the object in the JNDI server that enables the JMS Client to create JMS connections.
For example,
jms/QCF or
jmsSalesSystem .