Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Big Data Streaming
  3. Big Data Streaming Administration
  4. Sources in a Streaming Mapping
  5. Targets in a Streaming Mapping
  6. Streaming Mappings
  7. Window Transformation
  8. Connections
  9. Sample Files

Configuring Scheme for Flat Files

Configuring Scheme for Flat Files

Configure schema for flat files when you configure column projection properties.
  1. On the
    Column Projection
    tab, enable column projection and select the flat schema format.
    The page displays the column projection properties page.
  2. On the column projection properties page, configure the following properties:
    • Sample Metadata File. Select a sample file.
    • Code page. Select the UTF-8 code page.
    • Format. Format in which the source processes data. Default value is Delimited. You cannot change it.
  3. Click
  4. In the delimited format properties page, configure the following properties:
    Specify the character that separates entries in the file.
    Default is a comma (,). You can only specify one delimiter at a time.
    If you select
    and specify a custom delimiter, you can only specify a single-character delimiter.
    Text Qualifier
    Specify the character used to enclose text that should be treated as one entry. Use a text qualifier to disregard the delimiter character within text. Default is No quotes. You can only specify an escape character of one character.
    Preview Options
    Specify the escape character. The row delimiter is not applicable as only one row is created at a time.
    Maximum rows to preview
    Specify the rows of data you want to preview.
  5. Click
    to preview the flat file data object.
    If required, you can change the column attributes. The data type timestampWithTZ format is not supported.
  6. Click
    The data object opens in the editor.


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