Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Engineering Streaming
  3. Data Engineering Streaming Administration
  4. Sources in a Streaming Mapping
  5. Targets in a Streaming Mapping
  6. Streaming Mappings
  7. Window Transformation
  8. Appendix A: Connections
  9. Appendix B: Monitoring REST API Reference
  10. Appendix C: Sample Files

Advanced Properties

Advanced Properties

Kudu data object write operation properties include run-time properties that apply to the Kudu data object.
The Developer tool displays advanced properties for the Kudu data object operation in the Advanced view.
The following table describes the Advanced properties for a Kudu data object write operation:
Tracing Level
Amount of detail that appears in the log. You can choose from terse, normal, verbose initialization, or verbose data. Default is normal.
Maintain row order
Maintain row order while writing data to the target. Select this option if the Data Integration Service should not perform any optimization that can change the row order.
When the Data Integration Service performs optimizations, it might lose the row order that was established earlier in the mapping. You can establish row order in a mapping with a sorted flat file source, a sorted relational source, or a Sorter transformation. When you configure a target to maintain row order, the Data Integration Service does not perform optimizations for the target.
Number of Replica
Sets the number of replicas that each table will have.
Replication factor must be odd.
Default is 1.
Table Name
Name of the target table.
Table Partitioning Strategy
Type of partition applicable to the table. Partitioning is applicable to primary key fields only.
You can select from the following options:
  • HASH
Default is HASH.
You cannot specify the range conditions for the columns of your choice.
Upserts any record flagged as update.
Select this property when you use the Update Strategy transformation in the mapping to flag records as update.
Target Schema Strategy
Target schema strategy for the Kudu target table.
You can select one of the following target schema strategies:
  • RETAIN. Retain existing target schema.
  • CREATE. Create or replace table at run time. When you select the CREATE option, you must provide the value of the Schema Name property to run the mapping successfully.
  • Assign Parameter. You can assign a parameter to represent the value for the target schema strategy and then change the parameter at run time.

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