Cleanse assets

Cleanse assets

Introduction to cleanse assets

Introduction to cleanse assets

A Cleanse asset is a set of one or more data transformation steps that can standardize the form and content of your data. The asset comprises of one or more cleanse instances. Each instance in a cleanse asset contains the input fields on which you apply the cleanse operations. You can configure a cleanse asset to perform cleanse and merge operations on the input fields that a cleanse instance identifies in the asset.
You might decide to standardize your data to achieve the following goals:
Improve data consistency in a data set
Your data might use a range of data values to represent the same data point. For example, a field of country names might contain a mix of full names, ISO three-character codes, and other non-standard country identifiers. You standardize the values to ensure uniformity in the data field.
Fix errors in data
Your data might include correct and incorrect spellings of given data values. You standardize the data to find and fix the errors.
Comply with regulatory standards
You might need to verify that your data meets the latest regulatory standards that the industry or government defines. For example, you might decide to search a data set for potentially fraudulent accounts. To start the initiative, you standardize the data to replace inaccurate values with a single term, such as REVIEW. You can proceed to review the records that contain the new term.
Prepare for downstream data quality initiatives
You might standardize your data as the first step in a data quality project. For example, you standardize common business terms and postal address terms before you run a mapping with a Verifier transformation on your address data.
Merge data fields to effectively manage your data set
Your data set might contain the data information in the discrete fields, which you might decide to combine and add into a single field. For example, you might need a single full name field in addition to the first name and surname fields in your data set. You can merge the two separate fields into a single field.
You create and test a cleanse asset in
Data Quality
, and you add a cleanse asset to a Cleanse transformation in a mapping in
Data Integration
When the mapping runs, the Cleanse transformation applies the operations that you define in the cleanse asset to the fields that you select in the input data. The outputs from the transformation contain the standardized field values and also any merged fields that you configured in the asset.


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