Cleanse assets

Cleanse assets

Replacing instances of dictionary values with valid values

Replacing instances of dictionary values with valid values

You can configure a step to search for instances of values that appear in a dictionary and to replace each value with a corresponding valid value from the dictionary. You can use a dictionary when the list of values to replace is too long to enter as custom values. You might also use a dictionary when you will reuse the list of values in multiple cleanse steps.
  1. On the
    tab of the cleanse asset, click
    Add Step
  2. Select the
    Replace Values
  3. In the step properties pane, select
    Replace Input Values with Dictionary Values
  4. Select the dictionary to use in the step.
    to select the dictionary.
  5. Select the valid column for the dictionary.
    You can preview the dictionary contents in the Step Properties pane.
    The valid column represents the preferred version of the values in the dictionary. The step searches for values that appear in other columns in the dictionary and replaces them with the corresponding values from the valid column.
  6. Select or clear the option to perform a case-sensitive comparison between the dictionary data and the input data.
  7. Verify the delimiter that the mapping will use to recognize discrete values in the input field. You can specify one or more delimiters.
    The input delimiter determines how the mapping reads the input data when you select the Start or End option as the scope.
  8. Set the scope for the search operation.
    You can set the following options:
    • Anywhere. Replaces any instance of the value that occurs in the input field. Can replace multiple instances of the same value in a field.
    • Start. Replaces any instance of the value that is not preceded by another value in the input field.
    • End. Replaces any instance of the value that is not followed by another value in the input field.
  9. Save the asset.


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