Your organization may need to monitor and regulate actions that operators perform on certain objects that directly affect business functions. When you set authorization levels for the objects, operators with authorization privileges can approve or reject actions that other operators perform on the objects in the Operation Console, such as editing or deleting partners or accounts.
Operator actions on the object may require approval by one or two operators with authorization privileges. You define the authorization levels for each object type, and assign authorization privileges to specific operators based on the organization needs. For example, to require approval by two operators each time an operator edits a partner, set the authorization level for the
object type and the
action type to
Second Level
Only operators that did not perform the actions can approve the actions. In addition, if the action requires approval by two operators, a different operator must perform each approval level. If the action requires approval by two operators, the request remains pending until the second operator approves the request. If an operator edits an object, that object is locked for editing while the action request is pending and a message indicates that the object contains pending actions. If an operator creates an object, the object is not visible to other operators while the action request is pending.
When an operator deletes an object with related objects, the approval for the parent object applies to all related objects even if the related objects require a different approval level. For example, if an operator with authorization privileges approves an action request to delete a partner with a profile that requires second level approval, B2B Data Exchange deletes that profile without requiring second level approval. Actions that B2B Data Exchange receives from external tools, such as the Web Services API or the command line utilities, do no require approval and override actions that operators perform in the Operation Console.