Subject - The subject name of the message.
To ID - The name or ID used by the recipient.
Signature Algorithm - The MD5 or SHA1 signature algorithm that was used to sign the message.
MDN Type - The type of
MDN Sent - Indicates if the MDN was sent.
MIC Algorithm - The algorithm used for the Message Integrity Code.
Message ID - The ID number of the message.
From ID - The name or ID used by the sender (
Managed File Transfer
Encryption Algorithm - The algorithm used for encrypting the AS2 Message.
Compressed - If compression was used on the message.
MDN Signed - Indicates if the MDN was signed with a certificate.
MIC - The Message Integrity Code.
Event ID - A unique number assigned to the event. This number is sequential to the order in which the events started.
System Name - The name of the
Managed File Transfer
server that processed the event. This name is configured in the [installdirectory]/config/cluster.xml file (where [installdirectory] is the installation directory of
Managed File Transfer
Start Time - The time the event started. This field is formatted according to the Timestamp Pattern defined in the Global Settings for
Managed File Transfer
End Time - The time the event finished. This field is formatted according to the Timestamp Pattern defined in the Global Settings for
Managed File Transfer
Time (ms) - The duration or total time of the event. This value is displayed in milliseconds.
Command - The action requested by the User.
Event Type - The system generated event based on the Command and Status. These event types are referenced by Triggers and Audit Log Rules.
Status - The status of the transaction.
Local IP - The IP address that received the request.
Local Port - The port that received the request.
Remote IP - The IP address of the Web User's system that sent the request.
Remote Port - The port on the Web User's system that sent the request.
Session ID - A unique identifier created per Web User connection. All transactions made through this connection are referenced by the same Session ID number.
User - The account name of the Web User performing the actions.
Physical Path - The absolute or full path location of the file or folder on the file system.
Virtual Path - The relative path of the file or folder as it appears to Web Users.
File Size - The size of the file, in bytes.
Remarks - Additional information about the transaction.