Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Advanced Search

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search provides additional search options including the Basic Search options for the AS2 Log.
Audit Log search results will be filtered by the selected commands.
Message ID
The Message ID, if known, of the received message.
From ID
The From ID, if known, of the received message. This is the AS2 From ID of the Web User who sent the message.
Event ID
An Event ID is assigned to each transaction by
Managed File Transfer
. This Event ID is passed along in reports and allows for easy reference.
Local IP
The IP address of the
Managed File Transfer
listener that received the commands.
Remote IP
The IP address of the remote system that initiated the commands.
Session ID
The Session ID of the session that initiated the commands.
System Name
The name of the system that processed the transaction. This is commonly used in a clustered environment.
Audit Log Detail Links
  • Click the
    icon to view Audit Log Details for any entry.
  • Click the
    icon to view Triggers that were started from this event via the Trigger Log page.
  • Click the
    Web Users
    icon to view information about the Web User that performed the action. Click the
    Manage User
    button in the resulting pop-up to open the Web Users page for that Web User account.
Action Buttons
  • Click the
    button to move back to the previous page of results.
  • Click the
    button to move forward to the next page of results.
  • Click the
    Export Page
    button to save only the results on the visible page to a .CSV file on your local computer.
  • Click the
    Export Results
    button to save the results from all pages that meet the filter criteria to a .CSV file on your local computer.
Available Options
  • Click the
    button to move back to the previous page of results.
  • Click the
    button to move forward to the next page of results.
  • Click the
    Export Page
    button to save only the results on the visible page to a .CSV file on your local computer.
  • Click the
    Export Results
    button to save the results from all pages that meet the filter criteria to a .CSV file on your local computer.
AS2 Columns
  • Subject - The subject name of the message.
  • To ID - The name or ID used by the recipient.
  • Signature Algorithm - The MD5 or SHA1 signature algorithm that was used to sign the message.
  • MDN Type - The type of
  • MDN Sent - Indicates if the MDN was sent.
  • MIC Algorithm - The algorithm used for the Message Integrity Code.
  • Message ID - The ID number of the message.
  • From ID - The name or ID used by the sender (
    Managed File Transfer
  • Encryption Algorithm - The algorithm used for encrypting the AS2 Message.
  • Compressed - If compression was used on the message.
  • MDN Signed - Indicates if the MDN was signed with a certificate.
  • MIC - The Message Integrity Code.
  • Event ID - A unique number assigned to the event. This number is sequential to the order in which the events started.
  • System Name - The name of the
    Managed File Transfer
    server that processed the event. This name is configured in the [installdirectory]/config/cluster.xml file (where [installdirectory] is the installation directory of
    Managed File Transfer
  • Start Time - The time the event started. This field is formatted according to the Timestamp Pattern defined in the Global Settings for
    Managed File Transfer
  • End Time - The time the event finished. This field is formatted according to the Timestamp Pattern defined in the Global Settings for
    Managed File Transfer
  • Time (ms) - The duration or total time of the event. This value is displayed in milliseconds.
  • Command - The action requested by the User.
  • Event Type - The system generated event based on the Command and Status. These event types are referenced by Triggers and Audit Log Rules.
  • Status - The status of the transaction.
  • Local IP - The IP address that received the request.
  • Local Port - The port that received the request.
  • Remote IP - The IP address of the Web User's system that sent the request.
  • Remote Port - The port on the Web User's system that sent the request.
  • Session ID - A unique identifier created per Web User connection. All transactions made through this connection are referenced by the same Session ID number.
  • User - The account name of the Web User performing the actions.
  • Physical Path - The absolute or full path location of the file or folder on the file system.
  • Virtual Path - The relative path of the file or folder as it appears to Web Users.
  • File Size - The size of the file, in bytes.
  • Remarks - Additional information about the transaction.
Click the
button to change the visible columns.
If you use one of the Export options, only the visible columns are saved to the exported file.


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