Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Column Headings

Column Headings

The Column Headings element allows you specify formatting options to the column headers in an Excel spreadsheet.
Basic Tab
Row Number
Specify the row number where the column headings should appear. If a title is present, the default is the row after the title. Otherwise, defaults to row 1.
Cell Format Tab
Horizontal Alignment
Specify how the contents of the heading cells should be aligned horizontally.
Default Value: left
Vertical Alignment
Specify how the contents of the heading cells should be aligned vertically.
Default Value: bottom
Background Color
Specify the background color for the heading cells. Leaving this value blank indicates that no background color will be used.
Specify the font to use for the column headings.
Default Value: Arial
Font Size
Specify the size of the font to use for the column headings.
Default Value: 10
Font Color
Specify the color of the column headings.
Default Value: Automatic
Specify whether or not to apply bold style for the column headings.
Default Value: true
Specify whether or not to apply italic style for the column headings.
Default Value: false
Specify whether or not the strikethrough effect should be applied to the column headings.
Default Value: false
Specify how the column headings should be underlined.
Default Value: none
Specify whether or not the contents of the column heading cells should be wrapped.
Default Value: false
Specify the orientation of the column headings.


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