Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Libraries for Industry Standards
  3. Using Libraries
  4. Descriptions of the Libraries
  5. Generate Library Objects

Libraries Guide

Libraries Guide

ASN.1 Protocol Specification

ASN.1 Protocol Specification

When you create a Data Processor transformation for the ASN.1 library, you select an ASN.1 protocol specification for the transformation. The specification defines the expected input structure.
An ASN.1 protocol specification is a schema for an ASN.1 data structure. The specification is a text file with an
The protocol specification defines the expected structure for input data. The following lines from a protocol specification define a nested data structure:
MobileTerminatedCall ::= [APPLICATION 10] SEQUENCE { basicCallInformation MtBasicCallInformation OPTIONAL, locationInformation LocationInformation OPTIONAL, equipmentInformation EquipmentInformation OPTIONAL, basicServiceUsedList BasicServiceUsedList OPTIONAL, supplServiceUsedList SupplServiceUsedList OPTIONAL, camelServiceUsed CamelServiceUsed OPTIONAL, valueAddedServiceUsedList ValueAddedServiceUsedList OPTIONAL, dualServiceRequested DualServiceCode OPTIONAL, operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL } ... ChargeableSubscriber ::= CHOICE { simChargeableSubscriber SimChargeableSubscriber, minChargeableSubscriber MinChargeableSubscriber } ... SimChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 199] SEQUENCE { imsi Imsi OPTIONAL, msisdn Msisdn OPTIONAL }
The entire structure is a protocol data unit (PDU). A single protocol specification can define multiple PDUs. A protocol specification defines multiple types of data structures with different top-level elements.


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