Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Libraries for Industry Standards
  3. Using Libraries
  4. Descriptions of the Libraries
  5. Generate Library Objects

Libraries Guide

Libraries Guide

Installing the ASN-1Step Utility

Installing the ASN-1Step Utility

Use the ASN-1Step development environment to edit and validate ASN.1 files. You can install ASN-1Step on a Windows computer. You can use ASN-1Step to edit ASN.1 protocol specifications and source data.
  1. Run the ASN.1Step setup file.
    The setup file has a name such as
    , where
    is a version number.
  2. At the prompt, select the option to
    Specify Location of ossinfo Manually
  3. Browse to the
    Data Transformation
    installation directory where you stored the
    license file.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
    For more information about using ASN-1Step, see the online help included in the utility.


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