| Description
User name
| Name of the user account used to connect to Cloudera Navigator.
| Password for the user account used to connect to Cloudera Navigator.
Cloudera Navigator URL
| URL of the Cloudera Navigator Metadata Server.
Trust Store
| Optional. Path and file name of the truststore file for the Cloudera Navigator SSL instance. The file should be accessible to Metadata Manager Service.
If you do not specify the truststore file information and the target Cloudera Navigator server is HTTPS enabled, the Cloudera Navigator Xconnect can accept any server certificate.
Password of trust store
| Optional. Password for the truststore file.
Enable filtering
| Enables filtering for Hive and Impala query templates that have no downstream data flow. By default, Metadata Manager does not extract Hive or Impala query templates that read data but do not write data.
If you enable this option, Metadata Manager extracts only the query templates that create new entities or write to existing entities. If you disable this option, Metadata Manager extracts all Hive and Impala query templates. Default is enabled.
Enable incremental load
| Enables incremental loading for Cloudera Navigator resources after the first successful resource load. When you enable this option, Metadata Manager loads recent changes to the metadata instead of loading complete metadata.
During an incremental load, Metadata Manager extracts only the following entities:
Default is disabled.
Search query
| Query that limits the entities that Metadata Manager extracts. By default, Metadata Manager does not extract HDFS entities from certain directories that contain only canary files, log files, history files, or deleted files.
To prevent Metadata Manager from extracting other entities, update the default search query. The query that you enter must use valid Cloudera Navigator search syntax. To include all entities in the metadata load, enter
* , or delete the default query and leave this property blank.
Default is:
NOT ((fileSystemPath:*\/.cloudera_manager_hive_metastore_canary*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/hbase\/oldWALs*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/hbase\/WALs*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/tmp\/logs*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/user\/history\/done*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/tmp\/hive-cloudera*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/tmp\/hive-hive*) OR (fileSystemPath:*\/.Trash*))