Use a search query to reduce the number of entities that Metadata Manager extracts from the Hadoop cluster. Limiting the number of entities that Metadata Manager extracts reduces the amount of time it takes to load the Cloudera Navigator resource.
By default, Metadata Manager does not extract HDFS entities from certain directories that contain only canary files, log files, history files, or deleted files.
By default, Metadata Manager does not extract HDFS entities from the following directories or their subdirectories:
Metadata Manager uses the following default search query:
NOT ((fileSystemPath:*\/.cloudera_manager_hive_metastore_canary*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/hbase\/oldWALs*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/hbase\/WALs*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/tmp\/logs*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/user\/history\/done*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/tmp\/hive-cloudera*) OR (fileSystemPath:\/tmp\/hive-hive*) OR (fileSystemPath:*\/.Trash*))
To prevent Metadata Manager from extracting other entities, update the default search query.