Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Performance Tuning Overview
  3. Bottlenecks
  4. Optimizing the Target
  5. Optimizing the Source
  6. Optimizing Mappings
  7. Optimizing Transformations
  8. Optimizing Sessions
  9. Optimizing Grid Deployments
  10. Optimizing the PowerCenter Components
  11. Optimizing the System
  12. Using Pipeline Partitions
  13. Performance Counters

Performance Tuning Guide

Performance Tuning Guide

Optimizing the System Overview

Optimizing the System Overview

Often performance slows because the session relies on inefficient connections or an overloaded Integration Service process system. System delays can also be caused by routers, switches, network protocols, and usage by many users.
Slow disk access on source and target databases, source and target file systems, and nodes in the domain can slow session performance. Have the system administrator evaluate the hard disks on the machines.
After you determine from the system monitoring tools that you have a system bottleneck, make the following global changes to improve the performance of all sessions:
  • Improve network speed.
    Slow network connections can slow session performance. Have the system administrator determine if the network runs at an optimal speed. Decrease the number of network hops between the Integration Service process and databases.
  • Use multiple CPUs.
    You can use multiple CPUs to run multiple sessions in parallel and run multiple pipeline partitions in parallel.
  • Reduce paging.
    When an operating system runs out of physical memory, it starts paging to disk to free physical memory. Configure the physical memory for the Integration Service process machine to minimize paging to disk.
  • Use processor binding.
    In a multi-processor UNIX environment, the Integration Service may use a large amount of system resources. Use processor binding to control processor usage by the Integration Service process. Also, if the source and target database are on the same machine, use processor binding to limit the resources used by the database.


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