After you tune the application, databases, and system for maximum single-partition performance, you may find that the system is under-utilized. At this point, you can configure the session to have two or more partitions.
You can use pipeline partitioning to improve session performance. Increasing the number of partitions or partition points increases the number of threads. Therefore, increasing the number of partitions or partition points also increases the load on the nodes in the Integration Service. If the Integration Service node or nodes contain ample CPU bandwidth, processing rows of data in a session concurrently can increase session performance.
If you use a single-node Integration Service and you create a large number of partitions or partition points in a session that processes large amounts of data, you can overload the system.
If you have the partitioning option, perform the following tasks to manually set up partitions:
Increase the number of partitions.
Select the best performing partition types at particular points in a pipeline.