Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Prepare to Install Data Validation Option
  3. Install Data Validation Option
  4. Configure Data Validation Option
  5. Configuring Multiple Environments
  6. Upgrade Data Validation Option
  7. Install DVOcmd on UNIX
  8. Uninstall Data Validation Option
  9. Appendix A: Installation and Configuration Checklist

Data Validation Option Installation and Configuration Guide

Data Validation Option Installation and Configuration Guide

Sample Batch Files for Multiple PowerCenter Versions

Sample Batch Files for Multiple PowerCenter Versions

You can create batch files to associate different versions of PowerCenter with the Data Validation Client.
For example, you install Data Validation Option in the default directory. You create a separate batch file for each PowerCenter version and store the configuration files in the separate user configuration directories.
For PowerCenter 10.2.0, 10.2 HotFix 2, 10.4.0, 10.5, 10.5.1, or 10.5.2, you create the following batch file and name it DVO_PC<version>_<username>:
@echo off SET DVO_PC_VERSION=<10.2.0_10.2.0.2_or_10.4.0_or_10.5.0_or_10.5.1_or_10.5.2> SET INFA_HOME=C:\Informatica\10.5.2\clients\PowerCenterClient set DV_CONFIG_DIR=C:\users\<username>\DataValidator cd\ c:\Program Files(x86)\Informatica10.5.2\DVO\DVOClient.exe


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