Running a Session with the Debug Version of the Module on Windows
Running a Session with the Debug Version of the Module on Windows
Informatica ships PowerCenter on Windows with the release build (pmtx.dll) and the debug build (pmtxdbg.dll) of the External Procedure transformation library. These libraries are installed in the server bin directory.
If you build a release version of the module in Step 4, run the session in a workflow to use the release build (pmtx.dll) of the External Procedure transformation library. You do not need to complete the following task.
If you build a debug version of the module in Step 4, follow the procedure below to use the debug build (pmtxdbg.dll) of the External Procedure transformation library.
To run a session using a debug version of the module:
In the Workflow Manager, create a workflow.
Create a session for this mapping in the workflow.
You can also create a re-usable session in the Task Developer and use it in the workflow.
Copy the library (DLL) to the Runtime Location directory.
To use the debug build of the External Procedure transformation library:
Preserve pmtx.dll by renaming it or moving it from the server bin directory.
Rename pmtxdbg.dll to pmtx.dll.
Run the workflow containing the session.
To revert the release build of the External Procedure transformation library back to the default library:
Rename pmtx.dll back to pmtxdbg.dll.
Return/rename the original pmtx.dll file to the server bin directory.
If you run a workflow containing this session with the debug version of the module on Windows, you must return the original pmtx.dll file to its original name and location before you can run a non-debug session.