Parameter Access Function
| Description
INF_DATATYPE GetDataType(void); | Gets the datatype of a parameter. Use the parameter datatype to determine which datatype-specific function to use when accessing parameter values. |
INF_BOOLEAN IsValid(void); | Verifies that input data is valid. Returns FALSE if the parameter contains truncated data for the string or raw datatypes. Also returns FALSE when the input data exceeds the precision or the input data is a null value. |
INF_BOOLEAN IsNULL(void); | Verifies that input data is NULL. |
INF_BOOLEAN IsInputMapped (void); | Verifies that input port passing data to this parameter is connected to a transformation. |
INF_BOOLEAN IsOutput Mapped (void); | Verifies that output port receiving data from this parameter is connected to a transformation. |
INF_BOOLEAN IsInput(void); | Verifies that parameter corresponds to an input port. |
INF_BOOLEAN IsOutput(void); | Verifies that parameter corresponds to an output port. |
INF_BOOLEAN GetName(void); | Gets the name of the parameter. |
SQLIndicator GetIndicator(void); | Gets the value of a parameter indicator. The IsValid and ISNULL functions are special cases of this function. This function can also return INF_SQL_DATA_TRUNCATED. |
void SetIndicator(SQLIndicator Indicator); | Sets an output parameter indicator, such as invalid or truncated. |
long GetLong(void); | Gets the value of a parameter having a Long or Integer datatype. Call this function only if you know the parameter datatype is Integer or Long. This function does not convert data to Long from another datatype. |
double GetDouble(void); | Gets the value of a parameter having a Float or Double datatype. Call this function only if you know the parameter datatype is Float or Double. This function does not convert data to Double from another datatype. |
char* GetString(void); | Gets the value of a parameter as a null-terminated string. Call this function only if you know the parameter datatype is String. This function does not convert data to String from another datatype. The value in the pointer changes when the next row of data is read. If you want to store the value from a row for later use, explicitly copy this string into its own allocated buffer. |
char* GetRaw(void); | Gets the value of a parameter as a non-null terminated byte array. Call this function only if you know the parameter datatype is Raw. This function does not convert data to Raw from another datatype. |
unsigned long GetActualDataLen(void); | Gets the current length of the array returned by GetRaw. |
TINFTime GetTime(void); | Gets the value of a parameter having a Date/Time datatype. Call this function only if you know the parameter datatype is Date/Time. This function does not convert data to Date/Time from another datatype. |
void SetLong(long lVal); | Sets the value of an output parameter having a Long datatype. |
void SetDouble(double dblVal); | Sets the value of an output parameter having a Double datatype. |
void SetString(char* sVal); | Sets the value of an output parameter having a String datatype. |
void SetRaw(char* rVal, size_t ActualDataLen); | Sets a non-null terminated byte array. |
void SetTime(TINFTime timeVal); | Sets the value of an output parameter having a Date/Time datatype. |
| Description
m_nInParamCount | Number of input parameters. |
m_pInParamVector | Actual input parameter array. |
m_nOutParamCount | Number of output parameters. |
m_pOutParamVector | Actual output parameter array. |
Ports defined as input/output show up in both parameter lists. |