Use the following rules and guidelines when configuring database connections for the SQL transformation:
You need the PowerCenter license key to connect different database types. A session fails if PowerCenter is not licensed to connect to the database.
To improve performance, use a static database connection. When you configure a dynamic connection, the Integration Service establishes a new connection for each input row.
When you have a limited number of connections to use in a session, you can configure multiple SQL transformations. Configure each SQL transformation to use a different static connection. Use a Router transformation to route rows to a SQL transformation based on connectivity information in the row.
When you configure the SQL transformation to use full connection data, the database password is plain text. You can pass logical connections when you have a limited number of connections you need to use in a session. A logical connection provides the same functionality as the full connection, and the database password is secure.
When you pass logical database connections to the SQL transformation, the Integration Service accesses the repository to retrieve the connection information for each input row. When you have many rows to process, passing logical database connections might have a performance impact.
The SQL transformation uses a native database type by default. If you want to run the session using ODBC, you must configure the transformation with an ODBC database type. If the transformation contains a datetime or datetime2 port, set the corresponding native type as timestamp.