Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflow Manager
  3. Workflows and Worklets
  4. Sessions
  5. Session Configuration Object
  6. Tasks
  7. Sources
  8. Targets
  9. Connection Objects
  10. Validation
  11. Scheduling and Running Workflows
  12. Sending Email
  13. Workflow Monitor
  14. Workflow Monitor Details
  15. Session and Workflow Logs
  16. Appendix A: Session Properties Reference
  17. Appendix B: Workflow Properties Reference

Workflow Basics Guide

Workflow Basics Guide

Workflow Manager Options

Workflow Manager Options

You can customize the Workflow Manager default options to control the behavior and look of the Workflow Manager tools. You can also configure options, such as grouping sessions or docking and undocking windows.


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