Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflow Manager
  3. Workflows and Worklets
  4. Sessions
  5. Session Configuration Object
  6. Tasks
  7. Sources
  8. Targets
  9. Connection Objects
  10. Validation
  11. Scheduling and Running Workflows
  12. Sending Email
  13. Workflow Monitor
  14. Workflow Monitor Details
  15. Session and Workflow Logs
  16. Appendix A: Session Properties Reference
  17. Appendix B: Workflow Properties Reference

Workflow Basics Guide

Workflow Basics Guide

Connecting to an Integration Service

Connecting to an Integration Service

When you connect to a repository, the Workflow Monitor displays all Integration Services associated with the repository. This includes active and deleted Integration Services. To monitor tasks and workflows that run on an Integration Service, you must connect to the Integration Service. In the Navigator, the Workflow Monitor displays a red icon over deleted Integration Services.
To connect to an Integration Service, right-click it and select Connect. When you connect to an Integration Service, you can view all folders that you have permission for. To disconnect from an Integration Service, right-click it and select Disconnect. When you disconnect from an Integration Service, or when the Workflow Monitor cannot connect to an Integration Service, the Workflow Monitor displays disconnected for the Integration Service status.
The Workflow Monitor is resilient to the Integration Service. If the Workflow Monitor loses connection to the Integration Service, LMAPI tries to reestablish the connection for the duration of the PowerCenter Client resilience time-out period.
After the connection is reestablished, the Workflow Monitor retrieves the workflow status from the repository. Depending on your Workflow Monitor advanced settings, you may have to reopen the workflow to view the latest status of child tasks.
You can also ping an Integration Service to verify that it is running. Right-click the Integration Service in the Navigator and select Ping Integration Service. You can view the ping response time in the Output window.
You can also open an Integration Service in the Navigator without connecting to it. When you open an Integration Service, the Workflow Monitor gets workflow run information stored in the repository. It does not get dynamic workflow run information from currently running workflows.


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