- PowerCenter 10.5.7
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Handle Property ID
| Datatype
| Description
INFA_CT_MODULE_NAME | String | Specifies the module name. |
INFA_CT_SESSION_INFA_VERSION | String | Specifies the Informatica version. |
INFA_CT_SESSION_CODE_PAGE | Integer | Specifies the Integration Service code page. |
INFA_CT_SESSION_DATAMOVEMENT_MODE | Integer | Specifies the data movement mode. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
INFA_CT_SESSION_VALIDATE_CODEPAGE | Boolean | Specifies whether the Integration Service enforces code page validation. |
INFA_CT_SESSION_PROD_INSTALL_DIR | String | Specifies the Integration Service installation directory. |
INFA_CT_SESSION_HIGH_PRECISION_MODE | Boolean | Specifies whether session is configured for high precision. |
INFA_CT_MODULE_RUNTIME_DIR | String | Specifies the runtime directory for the DLL or shared library. |
INFA_CT_SESSION_IS_UPD_STR_ALLOWED | Boolean | Specifies whether the Update Strategy Transformation property is selected in the transformation. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_OUTPUT_IS_REPEATABLE | Integer | Specifies whether the Custom transformation produces data in the same order in every session run. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
INFA_CT_TRANS_FATAL_ERROR | Boolean | Specifies if the Custom Transformation caused a fatal error. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
Handle Property ID
| Datatype
| Description
INFA_CT_PROCEDURE_NAME | String | Specifies the Custom transformation procedure name. |
Handle Property ID
| Datatype
| Description
INFA_CT_TRANS_INSTANCE_NAME | String | Specifies the Custom transformation instance name. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_TRACE_LEVEL | Integer | Specifies the tracing level. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
INFA_CT_TRANS_MAY_BLOCK_DATA | Boolean | Specifies if the Integration Service allows the procedure to block input data in the current session. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_MUST_BLOCK_DATA | Boolean | Specifies if the Inputs Must Block Custom transformation property is selected. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_ISACTIVE | Boolean | Specifies whether the Custom transformation is an active or passive transformation. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_ISPARTITIONABLE | Boolean | Specifies if you can partition sessions that use this Custom transformation. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_IS_UPDATE_STRATEGY | Boolean | Specifies if the Custom transformation behaves like an Update Strategy transformation. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_DEFAULT_UPDATE_STRATEGY | Integer | Specifies the default update strategy.
INFA_CT_TRANS_NUM_PARTITIONS | Integer | Specifies the number of partitions in the sessions that use this Custom transformation. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_DATACODEPAGE | Integer | Specifies the code page in which the Integration Service passes data to the Custom transformation. Use the set data code page function if you want the Custom transformation to access data in a different code page. |
INFA_CT_TRANS_TRANSFORM_SCOPE | Integer | Specifies the transformation scope in the Custom transformation. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
INFA_CT_TRANS_GENERATE_TRANSACT | Boolean | Specifies if the Generate Transaction property is enabled. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
INFA_CT_TRANS_OUTPUT_IS_REPEATABLE | Integer | Specifies whether the Custom transformation produces data in the same order in every session run. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
INFA_CT_TRANS_FATAL_ERROR | Boolean | Specifies if the Custom Transformation caused a fatal error. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
Handle Property ID
| Datatype
| Description
INFA_CT_GROUP_NAME | String | Specifies the group name. |
INFA_CT_GROUP_NUM_PORTS | Integer | Specifies the number of ports in the group. |
INFA_CT_GROUP_ISCONNECTED | Boolean | Specifies if all ports in a group are connected to another transformation. |
INFA_CT_PORT_NAME | String | Specifies the port name. |
INFA_CT_PORT_CDATATYPE | Integer | Specifies the port datatype. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
INFA_CT_PORT_PRECISION | Integer | Specifies the port precision. |
INFA_CT_PORT_SCALE | Integer | Specifies the port scale (if applicable). |
INFA_CT_PORT_IS_MAPPED | Boolean | Specifies whether the port is linked to other transformations in the mapping. |
INFA_CT_PORT_STORAGESIZE | Integer | Specifies the internal storage size of the data for a port. The storage size depends on the datatype of the port. |
INFA_CT_PORT_BOUNDDATATYPE | Integer | Specifies the port datatype. Use instead of INFA_CT_PORT_CDATATYPE if you rebind the port and specify a datatype other than the default. |
Handle Property ID
| Datatype
| Description
INFA_CT_PORT_NAME | String | Specifies the port name. |
INFA_CT_PORT_CDATATYPE | Integer | Specifies the port datatype. The Integration Service returns one of the following values:
INFA_CT_PORT_PRECISION | Integer | Specifies the port precision. |
INFA_CT_PORT_SCALE | Integer | Specifies the port scale, if applicable. |
INFA_CT_PORT_IS_MAPPED | Boolean | Specifies whether the port is linked to other transformations in the mapping. |
INFA_CT_PORT_STORAGESIZE | Integer | Specifies the internal storage size of the data for a port. The storage size depends on the datatype of the port. |
INFA_CT_PORT_BOUNDDATATYPE | Integer | Specifies the port datatype. Use instead of INFA_CT_PORT_CDATATYPE if you rebind the port and specify a datatype other than the default. |