You can change the generated key value in the following ways:
Reset the generated key sequence.
Reset the generated key sequence on the Normalizer transformation Properties tab. When you reset the generated key sequence, the Integration Service resets the generated key start value back to the value it was before the session. Reset the generated key sequence when want to create the same generated key values each time you run the session.
Restart the generated key sequence.
Restart the generated key sequence on the Normalizer transformation Properties tab. When you restart the generated key sequence, the Integration Service starts the generated key sequence at 1 the next time it runs a session. When you restart the generated key sequence, the generated key start value does not change in the Normalizer transformation until you run a session. When you run the session, the Integration Service overrides the sequence number value on the Ports tab.
When you reset or restart the generated key sequence, the reset or restart affects the generated key sequence values the next time you run a session. You do not change the current generated key sequence values in the Normalizer transformation. When you reset or restart the generated key sequence, the option is enabled for every session until you disable the option.