- PowerCenter 10.5.7
- All Products
| Description
Continue on SQL Error within row | Continues processing the remaining SQL statements in a query after an SQL error occurs. |
Add Statistic Output Port | Adds a NumRowsAffected output port. The port returns the total number of database rows affected by INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE query statements for an input row. |
AutoCommit | Enables auto-commit for each database connection. Each SQL statement in a query defines a transaction. A commit occurs when the SQL statement completes or the next statement is executed, whichever comes first |
Max Output Row Count | Defines the maximum number of rows the SQL transformation can output from a SELECT query. To configure unlimited rows, set Max Output Row Count to zero. |
Scripts Locale | Identifies the code page for a SQL script. Choose the code page from the list. Default is operating system locale. |
Use Connection Pooling | Maintain a connection pool for database connections. You can enable connection pooling for dynamic connections only. |
Maximum Number of Connections in Pool | Maximum number of active connections available in the connection pool. Minimum is one. Maximum is 20. Default is 10. |