- PowerCenter 10.5.7
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| Description
| Connection name used by the Workflow Manager. Connection name cannot contain spaces or other special characters, except for the underscore.
| Type of database.
User Name
| Database user name with the appropriate read and write database permissions to access the database. If you use Oracle OS Authentication, IBM DB2 client authentication, or databases such as ISG Navigator that do not allow user names, enter PmNullUser.
To define the user name in the parameter file, enter session parameter $Param Name as the user name, and define the value in the session or workflow parameter file. The Integration Service interprets user names that start with $Param as session parameters.
Use Parameter in Password
| Indicates the password for the database user name is a session parameter, $Param Name . Define the password in the workflow or session parameter file, and encrypt it by using the
pmpasswd CRYPT_DATA option. Default is disabled.
| Password for the database user name. For Oracle OS Authentication, IBM DB2 client authentication, or databases such as ISG Navigator that do not allow passwords, enter PmNullPassword. For Teradata connections, this overrides the database password in the ODBC entry.
Passwords must be in 7-bit ASCII.
Connect String
| Connect string used to communicate with the database. For syntax, see
Native Connect Strings.
Required for all databases except Microsoft SQL Server.
Code Page
| Code page the Integration Service uses to read from a source database or write to a target database or file.
Database Name
| Name of the database. If you do not enter a database name, connection-related messages do not show a database name when the default database is used.
Environment SQL
| Runs an SQL command with each database connection. Default is disabled.
Rollback Segment
| Name of the rollback segment.
Server Name
| Database server name. Use to configure workflows.
Packet Size
| Use to optimize the native drivers for Sybase ASE and Microsoft SQL Server.
Domain Name
| The name of the domain. Used for Microsoft SQL Server on Windows.
Use Trusted Connection
| If selected, the Integration Service uses Windows authentication to access the Microsoft SQL Server database. The user name that starts the Integration Service must be a valid Windows user with access to the Microsoft SQL Server database.
Remote PowerChannel Host Name
| Host name or IP address for the remote PowerChannel Server that can access the database data.
Remote PowerChannel Port Number
| Port number for the remote PowerChannel Server. Make sure the PORT attribute of the ACTIVE_LISTENERS property in the
PowerChannel .properties file uses a value that other applications on the PowerChannel Server do not use.
Use Local PowerChannel
| Select to use compression or encryption while extracting or loading data. When you select this option, you need to specify the local PowerChannel Server address and port number. The Integration Service uses the local PowerChannel Server as a client to connect to the remote PowerChannel Server and access the remote database.
Local PowerChannel Host Name
| Host name or IP address for the local PowerChannel Server. Enter this option when you select the Use Local PowerChannel option.
Local PowerChannel Port Number
| Port number for the local PowerChannel Server. Specify this option when you select the Use Local PowerChannel option. Make sure the PORT attribute of the ACTIVE_LISTENERS property in the
PowerChannel .properties file uses a value that other applications on the PowerChannel Server do not use.
Encryption Level
| Encryption level for the data transfer. Encryption levels range from 0 to 3. 0 indicates no encryption and 3 is the highest encryption level. Default is 0.
Use this option only if you have selected the Use Local PowerChannel option.
Compression Level
| Compression level for the data transfer. Compression levels range from 0 to 9. 0 indicates no compression and 9 is the highest compression level. Default is 2.
Use this option only if you have selected the Use Local PowerChannel option.
Certificate Account
| Certificate account to authenticate the local PowerChannel Server to the remote PowerChannel Server. Use this option only if you have selected the Use Local PowerChannel option.
If you use the sample PowerChannel repository that the installation program set up, and you want to use the default certificate account in the repository, you can enter “default” as the certificate account.