- PowerCenter 10.5.7
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Log Options Settings
| Description
Save Session Log By | Configure this option to save session log files. If you select Save Session Log by Timestamp, the Log Manager saves all session logs, appending a time stamp to each log. If you select Save Session Log by Runs, the Log Manager saves a designated number of session logs. Configure the number of sessions in the Save Session Log for These Runs option. You can also use the $PMSessionLogCount service variable to save the configured number of session logs for the Integration Service. |
Save Session Log for These Runs | Number of historical session logs you want the Log Manager to save. The Log Manager saves the number of historical logs you specify, plus the most recent session log. When you configure five runs, the Log Manager saves the most recent session log, plus historical logs 0-4. You can configure up to 2,147,483,647 historical logs. If you configure zero logs, the Log Manager saves the most recent session log. |
Session Log File Max Size | Maximum number of megabytes for a session log file. Configure a maximum size to enable log file rollover. When the log file reaches the maximum size, the Integration Service creates a another log file. If you set the size to zero the session log file size has no limit. Configure this option for real-time sessions that generate large session logs. The Integration Service writes the session logs to multiple files. Each file is a partial log file. Default is zero. |
Session Log File Max Time Period | Maximum number of hours that the Integration Service writes to a session log file. Configure the maximum period to enable log file rollover by time. When the period is over, the Integration service creates another log file. Configure this option for real-time sessions that might generate large session logs. The Integration Service writes the session logs to multiple files. Each file is a partial log file. Default is zero. |
Maximum Partial Session Log Files | Maximum number of session log files to save. The Integration Service overwrites the oldest partial log file if the number of log files has reached the limit. Configure this option in conjunction with the maximum time period or maximum file size option. You must configure one of these options to enable session log rollover. If you set the maximum number to 0, the number of session log files is unlimited. Default is 1. |
Writer Commit Statistics Log Frequency | Frequency that the Integration Service writes commit statistics in the session log. The Integration Service writes commit statistics to the session log after the specified number of commits occurs. The Integration Service writes commit statistics after each commit. Default is 1. |
Writer Commit Statistics Log Interval | Time interval, in minutes, to write commit statistics to the session log. The Integration Service writes commit statistics to the session log after each time interval. |