- PowerCenter 10.5.7
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| Description
| The connection name used by the Workflow Manager. Connection name cannot contain spaces or other special characters, except for the underscore character.
User Name
| The name of the user in the Hadoop group that is used to access the HDFS host.
| Password to access the HDFS host. Reserved for future use.
HDFS Connection URI
| The URI to access HDFS. Use the value for the
fs.default.name property for the NameNode URI. You can find the value for the property for the NameNode URI. You can find the value for the
fs.default.name property in the
core-site.xml configuration set.
Syntax for Hadoop distributions :hdfs://<namenode>:<port>
Syntax for the MapR distribution :
Syntax for the HDInsight distribution :
Hive Driver Name
| The name of the Hive driver.
By default, the driver name is:
Hive URL
| The URL to the Hive host.
For MapR Ticket cluster, specify the URL in the following format:
For MapR Kerberos cluster, specify the URL in the following format:
Hive User Name
| The Hive user name. Reserved for future use.
Hive Password
| The password for the Hive user. Reserved for future use.
Hadoop Distribution
| The name of the Hadoop distribution.
Default is cloudera_cdh.