Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  3. PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Configuration
  4. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Connections
  5. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Data Objects
  6. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Mappings
  7. Data Type Reference

PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage User Guide

PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage User Guide

Flat File Schema Properties

Flat File Schema Properties

You can configure format properties for a flat file that is delimited.
The following table describes the file format and column format properties that you configure for a flat file:
Maximum row to preview
Number of rows to show in data preview. Default is 0.
Character used to separate columns of data. Default is comma. If you enter a delimiter that is the same as the escape character or the text qualifier, you might receive unexpected results.
Text Qualifier
Quote character that defines the boundaries of text strings. Default is double quotes. If you select a quote character, the Developer tool ignores delimiters within pairs of quotes.
Import Column Names From First Line
If selected, the Developer tool uses data in the first row for column names. Select this option if column names appear in the first row. Default is true.
Row Delimiter
You must select the default value,
\012 LF (\n)
Escape Character
Character immediately preceding a column delimiter character embedded in an unquoted string, or immediately preceding the quote character in a quoted string. When you specify an escape character, the Data Integration Service reads the delimiter character as a regular character. Default is backslash (\).
Retain Escape Character in Data
Not applicable.
If you update the flat file format properties during the data object import and want to see the updated format properties in Data Preview, you must parse the flat file again by selecting the

Parameterize Column Format Properties

You can parameterize the column format properties for flat files in a parameter file. The following table describes property strings that you can use in a parameter file:
A positive integer value.
Default is 0.
Specify the octal code for the character. Preface the octal code with a backslash (\). Specify the following values for the given delimiters:
  • \011 TAB
    for Tab
  • ;
    for semicolon
  • ,
    for comma
  • \040 SP
    for space
Default is comma.
Specify the following string values:
Default is double quotes.
True or false. Default is true.
Default value,
\012 LF (\n)
A string value. Default is

A Sample JSON Parameter File

{ "maxRowsToPreview": 10, "delimiter": ";", "textQualifier": "SINGLE_QUOTES", "importColumnFromFirstLine":true, "escapeCharacter" : "-" }

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