Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  3. PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Configuration
  4. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Connections
  5. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Data Objects
  6. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Mappings
  7. Data Type Reference

PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage User Guide

PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage User Guide

Schema Properties

Schema Properties

The Developer tool displays schema properties for flat files and complex file targets in the
Data Object Operations Details
The following table describes the schema properties that you configure for flat files and complex file targets:
Column Name
Displays the name of the column.
Column Type
Displays the format of the column.
Enable Column Projection
Displays the column details of the complex files sources.
Schema Format
Displays the schema format that you selected while creating the complex file data object. You can change the schema format. You can also parameterize the schema format.
You can select one of the following options:
  • Flat
  • Avro
  • JSON
  • Parquet
You can select the JSON file format when you run a mapping only on the Spark or Databricks Spark engine.
You can change the complex file format without losing the column metadata even after you configure the column projection properties for another complex file format.
You can switch from one schema format to another only once. If you change the schema format more than once, you might lose the original datatypes.
Displays the schema associated with the complex file. You can select a different schema. You can parameterize the schema or the schema path.
To parameterize the schema path, obtain the path from the server.
When you use Refresh Schema for the source or target in a mapping and also, parameterize the schema, the parameterized schema takes precedence over the refresh schema.
If you disable the column projection, the schema associated with the complex file is removed. If you want to associate schema again with the complex file, enable the column projection and select schema.
Schema Properties
Applicable only to flat files.
Column Mapping
Displays the mapping between input and output ports.
If you disable the column projection, the mapping between input and output ports is removed. If you want to map the input and output ports, enable the column projection and click
Select Schema
to associate a schema to the complex file.

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