Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  3. PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Configuration
  4. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Connections
  5. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Data Objects
  6. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Mappings
  7. Data Type Reference

PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage User Guide

PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage User Guide

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Data Object Write Operation Properties

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Data Object Write Operation Properties

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage data object write operation properties include advanced properties that apply to the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage data object.
The Developer tool displays advanced properties for the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage data object operation in the
The following table describes the advanced properties that you can configure for a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage data object write operation:
Number of concurrent connections to Blob Store
The number of concurrent connections to Blob Store to upload files. Default is 4.
Blob Name Override
Overrides the file name.
Blob Container Override
Overrides the default container name. You can specify the container name or sub-folders with an absolute or a relative path.
You must not use only slash '\' in the relative path to avoid creating folders without any names.
Compress newly created Blob
Compresses the newly created blob when set to True. Applicable to delimited files only in the native environment. You can compress Avro, JSON, and Parquet in the native and non-native environments.
Compression Format
Compresses data when you write data to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. You can compress the data in the following formats:
  • None
  • Bzip2
  • Deflate
  • Gzip
  • Lzo
  • Snappy
  • Zlib
    : Not applicable
Default is None.
You can write files that use the Bzip2 and Lzo compression formats in the non-native environments.
Write Strategy
Override: overrides an existing blob.
Append: appends to an existing blob. Append operation is applicable only to the append blob type.
Append is not applicable when you run a mapping in the non-native environments.
Blob Type
Writes data to a block blob or an append blob. You can write data to an append blob only for the flat format files in the native environment.
Target Schema Strategy
Not applicable

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