| Description
Number of concurrent connections to Blob Store
| The number of concurrent connections to Blob Store to upload files. Default is 4.
Blob Name Override
| Overrides the file name.
Blob Container Override
| Overrides the default container name. You can specify the container name or sub-folders with an absolute or a relative path.
You must not use only slash '\' in the relative path to avoid creating folders without any names.
Compress newly created Blob
| Compresses the newly created blob when set to True. Applicable to delimited files only in the native environment. You can compress Avro, JSON, and Parquet in the native and non-native environments.
Compression Format
| Compresses data when you write data to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. You can compress the data in the following formats:
Default is None.
You can write files that use the Bzip2 and Lzo compression formats in the non-native environments.
Write Strategy
| Override: overrides an existing blob.
Append: appends to an existing blob. Append operation is applicable only to the append blob type.
Append is not applicable when you run a mapping in the non-native environments.
Blob Type
| Writes data to a block blob or an append blob. You can write data to an append blob only for the flat format files in the native environment.
Target Schema Strategy
| Not applicable