PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe
- PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe 10.4.1
- All Products
| DescriptionDescription
| Reference
| Specifies an event message queue on an i5/OS system to which PowerExchange writes messages that do not require an operator reply.
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| Specifies two-character journal entry type codes that identify add library and delete library operations in a DB2 for i5/OS journal. Use this statement to override the default codes that are used for refreshing the CDC library interest list after adding or deleting libraries that contain instances of the same source table.
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| Specifies the message queue on an i5/OS system to which PowerExchange writes messages that require an operator reply.
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| Controls whether PowerExchange writes messages from TRACE statements to the MVS console for z/OS or to the QPRINT output for i5/OS, in addition to writing these messages to the PowerExchange message log file.
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| Specifies the name of the library that PowerExchange uses on i5/OS to read and store the extraction maps for DB2 for i5/OS CDC sources.
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| Specifies the directory that stores temporary file-mapped memory files for PowerExchange Listener statistics on AIX PPC64, i5/OS (IBM i), and Solaris SP64 systems.
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| Specifies an i5/OS host name that overrides the host name that PowerExchange retrieves from the TCP/IP Host table for communications with the PowerExchange Listener on i5/OS.
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| Defines the name of the DB2 for i5/OS database on the local system that contains the source tables for CDC in a remote journaling environment.